Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Hobby Update: Stormcast Ogre Warriors

And with another bout of hobbying, I was able to finish off some more fancy Stormcast Ogres!

One exceptionally fancy-looking horde.

First up are the Retributors, which I am going to run as some kind of Warriors. Normal Warriors with the Brew of Strength? Warriors with the weapon vs armor swap? Warriors with some kind of magic item? I am not sure yet. The first seems most likely? This is an unlocking horde though, so will be good to have around, whatever it ends up being.

These were originally just the duo of Easy Build Retributors, which I had picked up for D&D. They were originally going to be a duo of adversarial Goliath Paladins (brothers) serving a zealous religious order. The hobbying plan was to have wispy cotton ball bits coming out of the hammers, like smoke from a censer. The gaming plan was to have then hunt the party, to well, "censor" them. I had hoped to stealthily light some incense or something for each encounter, and whenever someone smelled it and commented on it, ta-da the encounter would be on. It was a good plan, and would have topped my previous best campaign pun, when the party went to seek out a black market arms dealer and ended up meeting with a small-time necromancer. Good times. 

Anywho, I was going to use the duo as Sergeants or Warlords, but found a trio online for around $15, and figured I'd bump these up to a fancy horde instead. The minis are repeated a bit (2x2x1), but with angling and such this shouldn't be too noticeable on the table.

...and then 5 regiments of Warriors. Or, 3 Hordes run 5 models strong.

The rest are oodles of Liberators, to be run as normal Warriors. They certainly look the part with armor, shield, and comically large hammer. That looks like Def5 and CS1 to me! I had picked up a trio of minis from the Easy Build box, and then when I went to start this project, I found that they are not a loved or competitive choice and picked up a bunch more on ebay for pretty cheap. I think I got the remaining 12 for under $50? Most came assembled, but that is fine by me. This is probably way more than I will want or need, but it's nice to have I suppose. 

More Ogres to come soon!

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