Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Hobby Update: Varangur Human Clansmen

Returning to the army after some time in storage are some Varangur Clansmen!

A horde's worth of newish infantry.

Back in 2nd Edition, the Varangur had rather stratified options for their infantry, very likely inspired by the Warriors of Chaos and their Marauders / Warriors / Chosen split. 

  • The lowest tier was the Warband. These were essentially Pole-Arms or Shieldwall units from the Kingdoms of Men, but with a +1 to the Nerve values and a very slight price increase. 
  • The Bloodsworn was the next tier, still hitting on 4's with CS1, but heavily armored at Def5.
  • The Sons of Korgaan were the best of the best, with 20 attacks hitting on 3's with CS2 and heavily armored at Def5.

In 3rd Edition, with the introduction of Master and Theme lists, everything got jumbled about. The Warband and Bloodsworn were combined into the generic and normally-infantry-sized Human Clansmen unit with more elite stats and high armor, which made the old Marauders here look a little out of place. They still do, but I want to get into running the Varangur again, and want to run this smashy unit in particular, so we're bringing them back. 

Hobbying-wise, the axes just got a black accent and a brighter silver edging, everything else is untouched. My Varangur collection is still jumbled up a bit, but we'll take things in stride and just try to bring like-looking units for wysiwyg purposes in each game. So, returning to the collection on a slightly more prestigious storage shelf, are two regiment's worth of smashy Human Clansmen.

A regiment.

My interest in the unit stems from discussions with our local Dwarf player. He's on the way to most of the shops the group plays at, and I give him lifts and so there is plenty of time to discuss things while on the road. I liked the Dwarf Shieldbreakers, and convinced him to give them try a while back. My argument was that the Shieldbreakers have CS2, which is rather unique for infantry in the game, so they seemed worth exploring, and then recently, I realized I could explore this too!

The other regiment.

With just a normal amount of attacks for their unit sizes, neither the Dwarf Shieldbreakers nor these Varangur Tribesmen are full-fledged "blender" units like the Heathgurad (formerly Sons of Korgaan, though I think I've been calling them Huscarls as well for some reason). Point-for-point though, they Tribesmen seem pretty comparable. We'll get some Varangur on the table soon and try them out!

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