Sunday, August 7, 2022

Hobby Update: More Ogre Warriors plus Hunters

Trickling in from my tiny hobby spot are some more Stormcast Ogres. The intent was to use these across gaming systems and explore some inter-game conversion ideas for basing, so these are painted up individually and put on movement trays for my preferred game; Kings of War.

The first up today are some Vindicators, which I will run as Hunters. I actually like these models and decided to pick some up new on sprue, unlike most of the minis in this army, which are coming assembled and second-hand from ebay. These have a nice heroic look to them. I am a little wary of  accidentally snapping off the spears, but the plastic shafts are pretty thick and hopefully running these as a unit and on a tray, they will be safe over time. I know I need one regular horde to get the unlocks for my Shooters for this army, so in a normal-sized game, either these or the Retributor Warriors are going to be that I think.

All the newer GW stuff is a bit of a pain to assemble, but I did like their poses. 

I have yet to actually play the Ogres, but I think these will be ok on the table. They have decent stats, Ensnare, and Slayer and should be ok as a dedicated anti-monster tool as well as an unlock. A lot of Monsters (Giants, etc) are just 4+ to hit, so these Hunters could do a lot of work to neutralize them, in theory at least. With only Def4 and CS1, I don't think they are likely to solo anything, and will likely need some aid to swiftly kill things.

The last of the stuff today are some more Warriors, made from Sequitors. I saw these released, but never "got" the need for them in AOS, since the Liberators were already a thing in the game with similar weapons. I think these do magic damage or something? I don't know. 

The great weapon option is short supply it seems.

The smashy two-handers are seem like a limited weapon option for the unit. For every 1 minis you want with a huge hammer, you tend to need to pick up a few of the shield-variants as well, which is how I ended up with these two units. I picked up an Easy Build trio for use in D&D, and then needed to find a good Ebay bundle to bring both units up to a legal size. The two-handers will be a Regiment of Warriors with the weapon-swap to get more crushing strength, as represented by the great hammers. I don't think they will be anything special on the table, but should be good to run in an intro-game to highlight how some Kings of War units have this swap / upgrade option, or run behind my Siege Breaker regiment to sort of demonstrate screening or a double-line to deal with something like fliers.

More Warriors with more shields. But now also with robes!

The shield version of the Sequitors seem pretty similar to their Liberator kin. So these are a unit of Def5 Warriors as well, likely run with a small magic item to justify their different look. These are some very dynamic models, which makes them a bit difficult to rack up. 

I am not super-thrilled with these new Warriors, but mostly because I already have 15 Warriors from old Liberators. Were I starting this project from scratch though, I'd likely suggest buying up of Sequitors to get a mix of options going, and the cloth should makes painting a little more interesting. 

From the picture, I look to have missed a purity seal ... thing on at least one of these shields, so I will have to touch that up later. I know I've also missed a few base rims as well, since I couldn't remember if I was doing black or dark gray or another color as I didn't have the full army nearby while hobbying on units. So, I will have some touchups to go back and do, but that is ok. Only a few more units to go!

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