Friday, September 13, 2024

Hobby Update: Third KoM Giant

Up now is a darn third Giant for the Kingdoms of Men!

The model is the exact same as the others, coming from the Miniart line of larger models. As mentioned in previous posts, Miniart has a wide variety of historical minis to choose from, so if you want a human-looking giant for your own army that won't break your budget, seriously consider checking them out.

No landscape-style shot for him!

The model suffered from all of the same previous issues. The plastic isn't a super-high quality, and some of the arm parts don't quite fit together nicely, even when I used the plastic cement. Greenstuff isn't great to sand, so I used Milliput here, mixing, applying, and then wetting my hands and trying to smooth the connections. After it cured, I sanded it down a bit, similar to how I did the others. 

From the side. The purple on the shield turned out really nice.

We've covered the Giants before, and you've seen them in most of my Kingdoms of Men battle reports as well. In short, I like them! Their attack math is swingy, but they'll wound everything on 2's, which is great for an underwhelming combat army like the Kingdoms of Men! I can run three Giants in 2000+ point games, and decided that I wanted to try that out sometime, hence the 3rd Giant. We'll try to make that happen sometime soon!

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