Saturday, September 14, 2024

Hobby Update: KoM Monarch

Up now is a second Monarch for the Kingdoms of Men! I have a "counts-as" Dragon mini to run as a  flying Monarch already, but as I was recently picking up a third Giant, I figured I'd grab a variation on the kit to run as a non-flying Monarch as well, as that caught my eye and was appealing to me.

The main mini is from Miniart, The basic kit is the same as the other kits I've used for my other giants, with one sprue swapped for the different spear, shield and helmet. It uses the same base kit and has all the issues of that kit, namely cheaper plastic and some bad joins for the arms and legs. A little milliput helped the joins there, and the main mini was mostly ready to rock. 

The only thing to mention was that I didn't attach the arms until the end. Dry fitting things, the shield and spear had awkward heights, and so the arms are hanging pretty low in the sockets, to let the shield and such sit directly on the ground in the posing that I wanted.

The secondary mini is a Byzantine Emperor from a Fireforge Kickstarter I backed... and haven't really used any of the other minis for anything. Sheesh. It's their new white, somewhat bendy resin, which is still a definite step up from their grey brittle resin! Like the bodyguard, he was primed and painted up separately, and then gluing him together was the last step.

The gaps/joins on the arm were particularly bad here.

The basic, no-upgrades Monarch has similar combat effectiveness to a Giant, so this seemed like a neat little project and a nice way to expand the army a bit. The general consensus is that the triple flying General and triple Ballistae is the way to go for fancy picks, but I am all about exploring the roster of any army I play. Three Giants and a Monarch should be fun to get on the table sometime, so we'll try to make that happen soon!

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