Friday, June 28, 2024

Hobby Update: Stormcast Ogre Bullys and ASB

While I had no plans to expand the army further, playing the Stormcast Ogres in the Group Game was fun, and I figured I’d give myself another little side project. Up now is an Ogre ASB and some Ogre Berserkers!

More Stormcast.

Like the rest of the army, the minis here are from Games Workshop. The ASB is a new Knight-Vexillor picked up cheap on ebay, and the Beserkers are older blind-buy Liberators, also from ebay. Each are peculiar picks, so jumped out at me while browsing for some cheap additions to make.

Everything got hit with some black primer, and then a layer of Zamesi Desert for a base coat. The armor then got the Citadel Retributor color, and the robes got their orange Speed Paint, and all the leather and other metal bits got generic colors.

The ASB, with a very bland flag.

Crunch-wise, the ASB is very peculiar, so I figured I’d pick him up. He’s Me3+, with CS1 and 3 attacks, which is unusual for ASBs. It pays to be a Large Infantry hero! He is Very Inspiring, though unlike other ASBs, he didn’t get a new Aura.

He’s the cheapest source of Inspiring for the army, costing less than the Warlock without spells, and seems like a neat package. The Ogres don’t get BC on the Warlock, so grabbing the Lute of Insatiable Darkness seems like a decent ASB option for this army as well. The Ogres have a lot of competition for hero slots, and most of their heroes inspire. He’s nice to have around, but I think more often than not there will be better picks.

Hobbying-wise, the head is so close to the flag I think you need to paint him first and assemble him second, which is what I did. The ASB got all the normal colors, but I was at a loss for what to do with the banner. Like many GW banners, this thing was ornate, and would reward ambitious colors and precise painting skills, neither of what I really wanted to be doing. Instead I painted the scroll parts, then a red outline for the flag, and then just drybrushed the interior with a dark gray. This is good enough for now, though I only push-fit the model together, so I can disassemble him in the future if inspiration strikes. 

Berserkers with two hand weapons.

The other guys here are Berserkers, and with three, these could be a regiment of Braves or three Berserker Bully heroes.

Hobbying-wise, I wasn't paying attention when I started on these, and didn't realize each mini was posed slightly differently. The picture has them left-to-right in order of assembly, but if I am honest, I would have loved to have double swords on the left-most figure, which looks more like a sword fighting pose. I assembled the first model, and was originally going to leave it at a singular Bully, but then I thought "why not just do them all up now?" I continued the following day, and then realized each mini was different. Oops. I wasn't a fan at all of the lightning bolt shortsword, so cut another large sword off at the hilt and swapped it over to get my dual longsword loadout. I do like the hammers the old Stormcast have, so mini number three got that loadout again since I didn't want to mix and match weapons.

The Brave Regiments are just alright. At 140 Points, they are on the chaffy and disposable side for Ogre units. They have good attacks but only CS1 and Me4+, so are hitting harder than a comparable CS1 Warrior Regiment, but not by much, and are on par with a CS2 Warrior Regiment in many regards. Their main utility seems to be in being Fearless, as Ogre regiments don’t have the best Nerve scores.

The Berserker Bully hero seems more interesting than the unit. Each is roughly comparable to a regiment all on their own, and carries a similar price tag. Being a Large Infantry hero, each is Nimble, and the Bully is also Inspiring, making him quite the little powerhouse.

Apparently the Bullies were quite the rage when Ogre Regiments unlocked full-time, and one could spam a hero-centric MSU list. I missed that era entirely, but these still look like great heroes to have around, and could be run as unit in a pinch, or for fun!

The Stormcast Ogres are the only multi-system army of mine that really went anywhere. The other armies were given away already or never got painted up. These are wonky projects without a 3d printer and/or tons of magnets, especially if you want to run any cavalry units from GW. On 40mm rounds, the Ogres transition nicely to 40mm square trays, and this is has been a pretty easy army to play around with in this multi-system space..

The haven't seen the table much, but have been a nice, straightforward army to play. With some additions, I'm sure we'll see them hit the table again soon!

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