Thursday, June 27, 2024

Hobby Update: More Abyssal Tortured Souls

Up now are another side project picked up during the Herd hobbying marathon, some additional Tortured Souls for the Forces of the Abyss! 

Three more regiments.

I saw another bundle of 20 on ebay for dirt cheap about a month ago and couldn't resist. This brings me up to 6 regiment's worth of Tortured Souls, which feels a little excessive, but is also in-line with how I hobby and collect things. I guess we'll have to give them all a go sometime and see how it goes!

A dark and brooding aerial view of the lava pool.

Six regiments seems excessive, so I made sure to hobby up one with a shared lava pool, so it could be a go-to horde. The other regiments all have self-contained pools, so can mix-and-match or easily run as solo regiments.

Hobbying-wise, I only primed them once this time! They got a black prime, then a grey base coat / overbrush. Since I was trying to emulate the original minis, I followed the coloring of those models, using the Blood Red Speed Paint for skin, Gravelord Grey for the hoods and Hexwraith Flame for the lower robes. The red skin in particular is growing on me (it's got a slight sheen to it that reminds me of the early Hellraiser movies), and I am liking my paint scheme a lot these days.  

Another group shot.

On the table, these took a while to learn, but I've been doing better with them. Firstly, they are not good outriders! They are "just" Speed 8 but lack Nimble, so it takes them too long to swing out and into position most of the time. They hit on 4's, so can deal damage, but are swingy enough on their output that they aren't a go-to power unit. . They have been doing best for me as the thickest of chaff. They have Fly, and can make some good charges to pin things down. If they get lucky on a Nerve check, they are Fearless with Lifeleech, and can give your opponents quite the headache! They've been fun to use, and have really enabled some good turns with my Abyssal MSU play. 

Yet another side project down! I have yet to finish up the post for the Centaur Striders, but we'll hopefully get to them soon!

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