Thursday, September 22, 2022

Hobby Update: Flamebearers

Next up are some more Flamebearers. With Steady Aim and Piercing 1, I've really liked them in the few games I've played. With 18" range they can pummel infantry without fear. I assembled some more over the late summer, though to  replicate my previous Abyssal paint scheme I needed a replacement  paint pot of Carroburg Crimson which was surprisingly hard to pin down. Two different FLGSs were out; one internet order sent the wrong thing; and finally a second order got it for me.

Two troops, as a regiment.

I hobbied up four troops of them, using three old troop bases from the redone Abyssal Guard, and then hobbing up a new one to match. I would need to look at pictures and compare the lava pool positioning, so I am pleased with how that all went. I've also been redoing the lava pools for all my Abyssals and leaning into a more vibrant yellow. I think the brighter yellow looks better than the darker orangy "glow" that I had going on before, though the orangy strokes on the rocks nearby do help to sell the effect I think. I'm liking the army look I've got going. It's very basic and traditional, but I like it.

Two more troops, as another regiment.

I've got them both on movement trays here. This gives me four regiments, and I intend to run them as such for now, but I am also still intrigued on the troop concept. Obviously the troops would be less survivable with the lower Nerve, but going from 10 to 8 attacks would what, do an "expected" 0.5 damage less than the regiment? There might be something to troops and saving yourself 40 points. I think this choice would be very meta or match-up dependent though. If you are expecting no "small-arms fire" at all, the cheaper troops might be a good option. Regiments are still going to be my approach for now though, and with four, they should be able to do some damage on the table. Looking forward to fielding all of these Flamebearers sometime soon!

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