Sunday, October 16, 2022

Hobby Update: More Pikemen

I was able to sit down for a few longer hobbying sessions over the last week and managed to finish up another unit. Ready for the table is another regiment of Pikes for the Kingdoms of Men! This is the third such unit I have hobbied up.

Eh, not too bad from the front.

The unit is built up the same as the other two: Warlord Romans bodies with an arm swap from a Fireforge cavalry box to get lances to use as pikes. In this case, I used some Teutonic Knights, though any of their medieval knightly kits should work. A little greenstuff was utilized again to give a little shoulder guard to mask the join a bit. The unit is overall the same, though this particular formation is a little messier than the other two. I evidently was not as fastidious with organizing what mini went where this time! It looks like I could swap one mini in the back rank for one in the second rank to get a better configuration, but I did not catch this soon enough. Oh well! Having a more dynamic-looking unit isn't really a bad thing in my view.

A bit more disordered from the side.

On the table I've generally liked the Pikes, hence the third regiment. They are more of a defensive unit, generally unlikely to kill anything, but they should be able to blunt a fair bit of aggression from your opponent. They excel against units with Thunderous Charge, like many cavalry units, but having Ensnare in addition to Phalanx lets them hold against non-cavalry units for a while as well. Their biggest downside is their average stats. Having just Defense 4 makes them rather vulnerable to anything with Crushing strength, as well as to shooting, especially shooting with Piercing. 

Still though, I like unit. While a bit fragile at this size, they do have a smaller footprint, and should be able to get where I need them to be without issue. They have a role, but have downsides and vulnerabilities, so they must be used smartly in order to be effective. I like that. It's a fun unit and I am eager to get them on the battlefield soon!

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