I have some terrain, but no proper gaming table yet. We did however pick up a card table (and chairs) off of Craigslist recently... so we just used that. I should have a more legit gaming table in the coming weeks.
Be warned, the whole game was a bit janky.
First, I needed to check out my camera. I had a big fiasco with switching cell services providers over the fall, which unfortunately necessitated me getting a new phone. Unfortunately, it seems I didn't do enough research, as the new camera seems like a downgrade. Unfortunately, I think I will need to dig out my digital camera.
The dimensions of the table were also a little weird... The table is square, 34 inches with about an inch of lip on every edge. We played on the whole table surface. No hard thought was given to zones, so I opted for 6" deployment zones, and 22" between them, so give shooting a chance, and hopefully have a game turn without any combat.
I intended to run a KoM intro list, but accidentally grabbed the box of halflings instead, so snagged an intro list for them I had done up before (it was easier than swapping out storage boxes). The GF wanted to use the Undead, so snagged an old intro list for her as well.
I offered rolling for scenario or just a straight up murder-fest, and she chose the latter. I gave her the first turn (no roll-off).
Lastly on the list of oddities , we didn't trade deployments. Deployment drops are a bit of a game within a game in my view. For intro games like this, I'd rather discuss stats and units and jump right into the game. She set up while I was grabbing my army; I set up; and being a good sport, I offered to let her react to my deployments if she wanted. She didn't so away we went...
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Deployment, for what it's worth. |
I was really happy with my Undead intro list, as it has a bit of everything. Tar-pitting zombies; Archers for support shooting; staple skeleton units; then interesting Wight and Wraith options to reward clever tactics. All this supported and inspired by a very competent hero choice.
By contrast, the halfling list was very simple, and it's strength was having a lot of dudes. On my side, we have a mounted Halfling Sorcerer, Regiment Braves, Regiment Knights, Halfling Volley Gun in a graveyard, Regiment Braves, mounted ASB, Regiment Knights, Regiment of Archers. Deployment is a little smushed, as it turned out... I figured the Archers could scamper up into the small graveyard, and secure that. The woods on my left frightened me a bit. I didn't want anything (especially the Wraiths) using it to cover their advance, so I put my Sorcerer there. I figured Wind Blast could push anything hiding behind there out of cover and into the range of the Volley Gun, which was deployed pretty centrally, in spite of the blocking building.
Unfortunately, on this smaller table, the board is congested. After deployment, I realized maneuverability would be an issue. Flanking Knights was going to be hard to pull off. I had paired each Knight unit with a unit of Braves... hopefully I'd be able to hammer and anvil a few things...
Turn 1 Undead
Movement was pretty simple. She realized that she needed to advance, and wanted to do so. She was wary of the war machine... fortunately for her, I deployed it with a mausoleum blocking most of her units...
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Pretty straightforward opening from the Undead. |
Turn 2 Halflings
I really should have held back, but I was a bit excited to be playing again...
On my left, the sorcerer moved far up. I think I was thinking that I could start wind blasting stuff into getting blocked by the mausoleum... but I don't know. It wasn't a great idea as it turned out. The Braves marched up, securing the little forest, supported by the knights. I was hoping the Skeleton Warrior Regiment would hit the braves, and I'd obliterate them next turn...
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The halflings are eager for a brawl... |
My center held, and my right foolishly swung up too. The forest was blocking line of sight between her archers and mine. I figured I'd move up this turn and have my choice next turn... the Move and Fire yielded no wounds against the zombies however, and the Volley Gun landed a whole 2 hits, which did, thankfully, translate into two wounds.
Turn 3 Undead
My opponent not only fell for zero of my traps, but generally confounded me.
While she split her lines, they were anchored by the mausoleum. On my left, I measured poorly.. and the Sorcerer was wide open to a charge by the Wraiths. The Skeleton Regiment shambled out, but did not charge, and took over screening the Wights.
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Pre-Surge on my left flank... |
Unfortunately, I advanced too far with those braves. My base covered the forest; and as I quickly read it, their charge was unhindered. Nuts. The Braves not only took two damage, but because of the Surge-Charge, I didn't think my Knights would be able to get that sweet sweet flank charge. In combat, the Sorcerer took 5 wounds, but survived, wavered.
While it was probably a misplay to move him that far up... being Wavered was good, as he'd likely tie up the Wraiths for another turn, preventing them from joining the main fights. Perhaps I could capitalize...
Turn 4 Halflings
I'm starting to comprehend how tiny this board is. It's my second turn, and my war machine is already threatened ...by a shambling Skeleton Troop. It's Fearless, and can't be wavered. I don't think a volley will rout it, and I won't think I can be sneaky enough with the Braves to effectively block a charge. (In retrospect, I totally could have pulled this off; just moved up the Braves and taken the hit. I was overthinking... however, with even more retrospective thought... I should have definitely measured from the Warriors to the Gun, to make sure it was actually threatened...)
In any event, my solution to thinking the Volley Gun was threatened was to charge the Troop with my knights. Unfortunately, that was a bad call. At height 1, the Volley Gun has a limited line of sight. The knights obscure the zombies now, so the Volley Gun has no targets...
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Counter-attack all the things! |
My original plan for the right was some withering fire on the Zombies from the Volley Gun and the Archers. Without the Gun, I don't think the archers can do all that much... unfortunately, I was a fool and didn't read their stats. Instead of shooting at 5+, I charged in to attack in melee at 6+.
Definite misplays here on the right. So many other way to have played this turn...
On the left though, the Braves counter-charge the Skeleton Regiment, and are joined by the Knights. Though this is the right call, I'm pretty sure I forgot about Thunderous Charge when rolling. Only 6 damage goes thorough, and the skeletons hold.
Not a great turn for me. I hamstrung my own shooting, and got into grinding battles across the board, with neither of my knight groups able to break through anything...
Turn 5 Undead
The Undead Archers attack the flank of my Archers. Looking at the previous picture though... they may have needed to go into the front. Oh well. Their charge is hindered though, which helps me out a bit. Again, definite misplay charging my Archers in last turn... Fortunately, my opponent's rolling is terrible, and only 6 damage is inflicted. The Archers hold!
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Ew. Terrible picture to match a terrible situation. I'll have to get more pics of this zombie unit later. It turned out nice. It deserves better... |
On my left, the Skeletons decide to counter charge the wounded Braves. Her desire was to charge Skeletons into Braves, and Wights into Knights. My reading that (unfortunately) that wasn't possible.
I's been over a years since I played, and getting this game in was unexpected. My understanding was that if this has been a multi-charge (Skellies and Wights) against one unit, that would have been doable. With a higher height, the Wights would have been able to see; there was space to shuffle the skeletons over to accommodate the charge, etc.
But against two different units... no accommodating shuffle was possible. The Wights can see the Knights, but can't charge through their own unit. Meanwhile, the Skeletons can counter-charge, but at an inch away... that movement is pretty constrained. If I was wrong... let me know.
Anyways, the left is gummed up. The Wraiths charge the wavered Sorcerer, and deal three more wounds. However, double 1's are rolled for the Nerve check, and the Sorcerer is feeling great.
Turn 6 Halflings
I lucked out a lot on the previous turn. I start the turn wondering about my Sorcerer. What am I going to do with him?
I decide to swing him up a bit, away from my lines and out of sight of the Wraiths, to try to Wind Blast away the Revenant King; hopefully moving him out of Inspiring Range. It's the best I can think to do. I'm not great with Wind Blast. I roll poorly, and while I do push him a few inches away... nothing is really accomplished.
Again, the Knights and Braves charge the still-inspired Skeleton Regiment, and this time rout it.
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Lengthwise down the table... the lines of battle are pretty clearly drawn. |
My center Knights are wavered... the center Braves can't really support anything, so they stay put, to react to whichever wing falls first. Yet again, my Volley Gun is silent lacking legal targets. I... don't like my chances right now.
Turn 7 Undead
My opponent gleefully continues these grinding combats. The halflings don't hit hard, so Lifeleech is quickly pulling fights into her favor...
On the left, the Wraiths pivot 90 degrees to face the Braves, and scoot menacingly forward as part of their move. They are Surged the final 1" into combat by the King, hitting on all his dice. Sheesh.
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If you couldn't tell from the terrible pic, things are looking pretty great for the undead. |
The combat rolling isn't great, and only a few wounds slip through, but the Braves are wavered. Free of their Skeleton escorts, the Wights charge in and pound on the Knights for 4 damage the Knights hold.
On my right, both the archers and knights of the halfling army fall...
Turn 8 Halflings
I do what I can, but I know the game is basically over.
I march the sorcerer back to my lines. He can't do anything now, but in the coming turns, maybe Wind Blast can blow some baddies back and buy me some time? The left is still gummed up, but he should be safe for a turn.
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The Undead start to push through on their left, my right. |
The grinds on the left... continue. I don't recall any progress being made.
Turn 9 Undead
The grinds on the left result in both the Braves and the Knights being wavered... The archers fire a volley at my ASB, and despite lots of penalties, still manage to score a wound.
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The left is buckling... that's not great. |
Turn 10 Halflings
...I need to deal with the Zombies. If my opponent is smart, the Zombies will charge my war machine next turn, and let the Wights continue to chew through the knights. It's a long shot, but survival depends on clearing them out. Now.
I run my ASB back, fleeing the zombies. While another attack would have been nice against the Skeleton troop, I didn't want to fail and let my opponent charge him, and overrun into the war machine. He withdraws, still inspiring everyone, but out of danger.
The nimble Sorcerer swings around the staggering halfling lines, eyeing up the Zombies. Perhaps Wind Blast can push them back and out of line of sight of the Volley Gun? It's all I can think to do with him. The Volley Gun rings out, dealing decent damage to the Zombies. Wind Blast lands no hits. And the Zombies stick around on a low Nerve check... ugh.
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...and the dice gods have forsaken me. GG |
Some definite misplays on my part, though I'll blame them on being rusty after a year plus a bit away from the table!
I covered some of the more specific misplays above already. Generally though, I have yet to really figure out how to use Wind Blast well. I had a decent plan (using it to flush out the left flank), but never really implemented it, and the Sorcerer became 70 points of chaff. Chaff is useful, but I'd rather get actual use out of my casters! We'll try him again sometime.
My other general error is that I tend to move up too aggressively, and this game was no exception! Since the halflings are even weaker than my typical humans... that was a definite mistake Turn 2. Even with the smaller board, I should have held back a bit. Grindy 1-on-1 fights definitely favor the Undead, and Lifeleech really came into play as the game went on.
Despite Fortune downright scowling at the halflings at the end, I had a blast and it was fun to finally play a game again. My opponent enjoyed it too, so hopefully I can convince her to play a rematch soon...
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