Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Kings of War 3rd Edition: #111 Undead vs Northern Alliance in Control.

Intro and Lists

After my utter trouncing in Game 1, I found myself up against the youngest player of the tournament by far, Tyler, who was following in his dad's wargaming footsteps, and had just started his own proper army recently. He brought the following:

It was all assembled and all on bases, but as he was just starting out with his own models, it was not all fully painted up yet. Still, having run numerous Giants myself, and having played against the Northern Alliance frequently, I liked a lot about the list. Two Giants and Hrimm looked like fun. Giants are swingy, but the breath attack . The multitude of Dwarf troops was an interesting pick, but with Def5 and higher Nerve and Fury, I can definitely see the appeal! Snow Trolls are around to hold the line proper, and two Primes were around to Inspire. Two Pack Hunters with the short-range Javelins are around to zone things out, and we have a regiment of Frostclaws to harass things as well. I want to get back to running the Varangur more regularly, and had some discussions on the efficacy of Pack Hunters / Night Raiders, so was excited to see how someone else would run that unit specifically, and what I could learn from someone else running the goody two-shoe "cousins" to my Varanagur.

I brought my Undead MMU, featuring Skeleton Warriors with two-handers, Wraiths, Soul Reavers, and a pair of Burrowing Wyrms. Rather than blabber again and again for these reports, you can read more about the my thinking and prep here, if you are so inclined.

Table and terrain

The "gimmick" for the tournament was leaning into Wisconsin's historic forests, and running an extra forest, often in place of a flat piece of terrain. Overall, we were using our typical terrain rules, running the building and long shrine on the left as Height 9 blocking terrain, all the forests as Height 6 Difficult Terrain, fences as Height 2 Obstacles, and Hills as Height 3, and the fields as Height 0. 

Overview of the table.

The tournament was using a veto/pick system for scenarios. Each round has three possible scenarios. The first roll off of the game lets the loser veto one of the choices, and then the winner selects what will be played from the remaining two. The options were not public until the start of the tournament, so one couldn't plan too much, and had to bring a more generalized list. The choices each round were varied, and I really enjoyed this method.

For Game 2, we had Compass Points, Push, and Control. I don't remember who nixed and who picked, but we ended up with Control.

View from the left, with the cool but terribly placed blocking shrine.

Left-to-right the Northern Alliance has a troop of Dwarfs, a second troop screening Frostclaws, a rampage Giant with the club its leader point in the woods, a Snow Troll Prime blocking for a Snow Troll Horde, a third troop of Dwarfs, a Snow Troll Prime blocking for Hrimm, a forth troop of Dwarfs screening for the Thegn second unit of Snow Trolls, the Slayer Giant with the sword, the fifth troop of Dwarfs and then both Pack Hunter units.

View from the center.

The big piece of blocking terrain made this all a bit difficult. Left-to-right for the Undead were angled Skeletons in the woods, a Wyrm in the woods, and Wraiths in the woods. The Bane-Chanting ASB is nearby, and centrally, Soul Reavers, Skeletons, and the other Soul Reavers take the open field, supported by Mhorgoth behind the and Liche nearby with Wraiths. The Wraiths are peeking out of the woods, as is the second Wyrm, supported by the Healing ASB. We have supporting Skeletons, Wraiths, more Skeletons, and then the Wraith regiment way out on the flank as a very late drop for me.

View from the right.

My opponent wins the roll for first turn, and decides to give it to me. I think the thinking was that I move up and then he gets to charge with his Giants right away… but I am Shambling. I think this is a mistake, but will gladly accept his decision when he insists.

Top of Round 1: Undead

I roll up 6 Swords for my Command Dice.

On the right I immediately use 4 to ignore Shambling on the Wraith regiment and march them up. Even with Piercing, I don’t think and the Pack Hunters will be able to do much, and that even uninspired, I should be able to endure a round of shooting, and then should have good options next turn.

The Wraiths lose their Shambling and menace the Northern Alliance line.

The supporting Skeletons move up a bit, stopping short to see around the building still, and be able to get where ever they may be needed in the coming turns.

The nearby Wraith troop moves up, hanging onto the obstacle. The inches are difficult, and I can't clear it, but thankfully they won't be charged this turn, and they have Strider (and flying), so this early messiness is alright.

The Undead move up, threatening a number of longer charges

The supporting Skeletons move into the woods along with the Healing ASB, while the Wyrm and Wraiths near that center forest move out to project threat.

Movement on the left to block in the Frostclaws.

The Liche moves up. I’m not giving my opponent any charges yet, so there is no need for his spells. Mhorgoth hides behind the hill, safe. He attempts a Mindfog but misses against one of the Dwarf troops. Some Soul Reavers get their leader point onto the hill, with the Skeletons and other Soul Reavers moving up aggressively too.

On the left, the Wyrm, Wraiths, and BC ASB move up, and the Skeletons inch forward too. The Frostclaws are quick, but being deployed a little ways back, they won't be able to hop over the blocking terrain right away. Blast is hard to judge, but the hordes seem to do about 5 damage a round, so I think I can endure the regiment's shooting, and force a choice from my opponent in the coming turns, on whether the Frostclaws will shoot, charge, or evade to score.

Bottom of Round 1: Northern Alliance

My opponent rolls up 5 Swords for his Command Dice.

On the left, the Dwarf troops move up aggressively. Ultimately he wants to leave one troop on the flank to guard his left-section and get the second over into my left-section of the table or the scenario.

The Northern Alliance advances strongly.

The Frostclaws hop up very aggressively, to shoot into the Wyrm. The Giant in the woods moves up as well, and is just in range to Frost Breath the Wyrm too, and in the end a surprising 5 damage lands against the Wyrm.

The woods slows the Snow Trolls on the left, but they still move up a bit and the Prime moves up further to block.

Movement for the center of the Northern Alliance.

Centrally, the blocking two troops and Snow Troll Prime move up, screening for Hrimm. Hrimm’s Breath Attack lands 1 into the Soul Reavers peering over the hill.

Movement on the right.

On the right, the second horde of Snow Trolls gets their leader point onto the hill, and the Giant takes the hill, landing 1 into the Wraiths with a breath attack. The final troop of Dwarfs moves up, trying to support the Giant.

The two units of Pack Hunters move up and pivot, hurling javelins into the Wraith regiment. Expected damage is 4, but only 3 lands thanks to the high defense, and as-planned, the Wraith regiment survives, and has a lot of good options for my turn.

Top of Round 2: Undead

I get lucky and roll up 9 Swords for my Command Dice.

With the Northern Alliance moving up so aggressively, my Wraiths all have a lot of options. On the right, the regiment is in the flank of the Slayer Giant, and can make that charge and get our of arc of the Pack Hunters, so that seems like a good bet. I send them into the flank, and the Wyrm in the front, and 12 damage is done, but the Giant holds.

Numerous charges from the Undead.

The other nearby Wraith troop flies into the Snow Trolls peering over the hill to delay them. I don’t want them hitting the Wyrm. A second troop flies into some Dwarfs to block them up as well, landing 3 damage, but the Dwarfs hold.

I fly Mhorgoth up here for Dread. I attempt and fail with Bane Chant and with Drain Life into the nearby Dwarf troop too.

My Skeleton Regiment near the building shuffles backward. Everything is fighting and jumbled up, so I think it’s just going to guard this section for me the rest of the game.


Even more charges from the Undead.

Centrally, the Soul Reavers peering over the hill go into the Snow Troll Prime, and are joined by some Skeletons. I think we deal 10 or 11, and are able to pick him up. There isn’t a way to protect the Soul Reavers though, so they back up in victory.

The Liche takes the hill, and I use a sword for rerolling Scorched Earth into Hrimm, which lands, thankfully.

The other Soul Reavers charge the isolated Snow Troll Prime. Typically, I fall short of besting a Prime on the first go, so try to toss a Bane Chant into them to even the odds. It fizzles, I deal the normal 8, and the Prime holds, unbothered.

Even more charges from the Undead. 

On the right, the other Giant takes a charge from my other Wyrm and some Wraiths. I deal 9 damage, but the Giant holds, and through the Endurance order and Lifeleech, my Wyrm goes from 5 down to 3.

Still on the right, since the Frostclaws moved up so aggressively, my Skeletons don’t even need Wild Charge to get into them. It’s a hindered charge, but if I can disorder and ground them, it’ll be in a great spot, as their height will prevent both Dwarf troops from contributing next turn. Thankfully, I do land 2 damage, and ground the unit.

It was a big turn for charges! The characters stayed away, as did two Skeleton regiments, but essentially everything else got in on the action this turn.

Bottom of Round 2: Northern Alliance

My opponent rolls up 5 Swords for his Command Dice.

The Frostclaws counter charge the Skeletons, dealing 2 damage and getting an heal from the Endurance Command Order on themselves.

Pushback from the Northern Alliance.

A troop of Dwarfs can just see the Wyrm, and will flank charge it. They land a ridiculous 6 damage to take the Burrowing Wyrm to 9 damage, but it holds.

The Giant countercharges the Wraiths, with the Snow Troll horde joining in, and the phantasms will be obliterated.

The Prime fights on against the Soul Reavers, but only regenerates a point of damage, and only deals 2 to the Vampires.

Mostly one-on-one fights from the Northern Alliance.

Centrally, a Dwarf troop charges some Skeletons, landing 4 damage, and Hrimm goes into the Vampires, hindered. Hrimm is a slaying Giant, and hitting on 5’s, only 1 damage slips through. The hit roll was horrendous.

Next to Hrimm, Dwarfs fight Wraiths but fail to connect, and then Snow Trolls peering on the hill fight the delaying Wraiths. They land 5 damage, but the unit holds thanks to Mhorgoth being bearby.

The other Giant has slayer, but rolls poorly for extra attacks and hits, landing just 4 into the Wyrm.

The Wraith regiment is popped out of combat with the Giant, but charged in the flank by Dwarfs, who land a few damage, and will ground the fliers.

A blurry shot! All three pictures of the right this turn were blurry.

One unit of Pack Hunters pivots and moves, throwing into some Skeletons and landing 5 damage, while the second unit of Pack Hunters moves ahead, looking to play the scenario nice and early.

Top of Round 3: Undead

I get just 2 Swords for my Command Dice. I think I spend it on Endurance somewhere.

Mhorgoth flies to the other side of the Wyrm, and hits the Pack Hunters with 4 from Drain Life while healing up the Wyrm. These are uninspired, and I believe we get a lucky waver here, as they don’t look to do anything next turn. The Wraith regiment gets a Bane Chant with his second spell.

The Wraiths regiment fights the Dwarf Troop, landing 6 damage, and will rout the unit, since there is no Inspiring over here. They will turn to face the Pack Hunters.

The Burrowing Wyrm goes back into the Giant, lands a few damage, and with Mhorgoth’s Dread, is able to pick the uninspired Giant up as well. It will pivot in victory.

The ASB heals the Skeleton regiment for two, as it closes in on the Pack Hunters.

One Frost Giant falls!

The reserve regiment in my back right continues to shuffle about, wary of the second unit of Pack Hunters trying to claim this section of the board. With better stats, Piercing Javelins and Thunderous Charge, I really need to try to limit what they can do, 

The Wraith troop held against the Snow Trolls, charges in, and continues to occupy them, but low damage and good regeneration means most of this damage isn’t really stacking up.

The other Wraith troop is fighting Dwarfs, lands some decent damage, and picks them up from under Hrimm’s nose.

The Soul Reavers charge Hrimm, landing 9 damage, but the legendary frozen giant does not care. Still, the Soul Reavers Lifeleech their own damage away to nothing and are fighting a slayer giant, so this is not a bad spot for them.

Hrimm stands tall though.

The nearby Skeletons fight the Dwarf troop, landing 1 damage.

The Soul Reavers will thrump more damage into the Prime, and then overrun, limiting the options for the Snow Troll Horde next turn.

The Wyrm goes back into the Giant, landing 6 damage, bringing the Giant to 15, and uninspired, we pick this giant up as well. The Wyrm backs up, but not nearly enough to get the Dwarf troop into front-arc.

A second Frost Giant falls!

On the left, the Skeletons should catch a Bane-Chant, and spike some dice hard, landing 7 damage into the Frostclaws, and taking them to 9, and wavering them.

Bottom of Round 3: Northern Alliance

My opponent rolls 4 Swords for his Command Dice.

The Frostclaws are wavered, and Endurance is spent on them to try and keep them around.

A Dwarf troop backs up, looking to resign themselves to not getting into any fights, and just claiming this section for the scenario.

The other Dwarf troop is still in the flank of my Wyrm, and will land 4 damage to the titan, though it sticks around.

The individual combats drag on.

The Snow Trolls thump 7 damage only the Soul Reavers, with the Ale, but they hold.

Centrally, the Dwarf troop lands another couple of damage into the Skeletons, but on 5 damage total, the Skeletons hold firm.

Hrimm readies to swing against the Soul Reavers.

Hrimm is not fighting his ideal target, nor rolling particularly well, and the Soul Reavers are brought up to just 4 damage from his attacks. Still, he regenerates 4 damage to get down to 5, and the race is on to see which hammer will rout first.

The Thegn with the flag charges the Wraith troop, and luckily lands 1 damage to ground them, preventing them from flanking Hrimm next turn.

The other Snow Troll horde lands a heap of damage into the delaying Wraiths, and will best them this turn, and overrun towards the Wyrm.

The Snow Trolls best a Wraith troop.

The Pack Hunters do nothing that I can see or discern from my notes or pictures, so I presume we got lucky and wavered them.

The Pack Hunters try to play the scenario, but it might be a little premature.

The second unit of Pack Hunters makes their way into my right-section of the board. I have my reserve unit of Skeletons, and I point out their positioning and facing relative to the advancing Pack Hunters, but my opponent wants them where they are.

Top of Round 4: Undead

I roll up 4 Swords for my Command Dice.

On the right, my reserve Skeletons have a flank into the Pack Hunters. I tried to point this out, and was rebuffed, so I’ll take the charge without remorse. I’ll spike some dice, deal 9 damage and rout the unit.

The Pack Hunters take some charges.

The other Skeletons can make it into the wavering Pack Hunters, and will pick them up too. The Healing ASB moves at the double to get over to the right. I think to enable a longer charge, but maybe just to Inspire in case I did not win these fights.

Mhorgoth is around, putting Dread onto the Pack Hunters and Snow Troll Horde. The Wraiths will spin around, and then Mhorgoth will Surge and then Bane Chant them as they hit the flank of the Snow Trolls, with the Burrowing Wyrm in front. The damage is poor, with each unit dealing 5, and the Trolls hold.

The central fights grind on.

The disordered Wraiths claw 2 damage into the Thegn, but can’t move him.

With combats abounding, the Liche casts a Heal into the Soul Reavers fighting Hrimm, and between that and their Lifeleech, they will clear off all their damage while. They roll a bit poor though, just taking Hrimm back up to 12.

The Skeletons continue struggling on against the Dwarfs.

Combats on the left.

The Soul Reavers catch a Bane Chant. The Wyrm was fighting the Dwarfs, but can see the flank of the Snow Trolls, and wants to join that combat instead. I don’t need to withdraw, so the injured Wyrm piles in to help. I need it. My rolls are terrible. The Reavers do 5 (11 expected) and the Wyrm does 7 (10 expected). I still get the Trolls up to 12 though, and luck out with the Nerve Check. The Soul Reavers change facing to spy Hrimm, and the Wyrm swivels to help rout stuff on the left.

Reforms from the Undead.

The Skeletons land another 1 into the Frostclaws, bringing them back up to 9 damage, but I will rout the uninspired unit this time around when it is time to test.

Bottom of Round 4: Northern Alliance

My opponent rolls up 2 Swords for his Command Dice.

The Dwarf troop on the left, in the corner, turns and runs, presenting a rear to my Skeletons, but I will apparently only take the rear if I am "really greedy.” The Skeletons are technically scoring my left corner, so there is some logic, but it is not really sound considering what round we are on. I point out that he could just back up and have the same kind of situation (a choice for me), but with a front charge, but 

The other Dwarf troop out heere charges my Wyrm in the front, hindered. I start on 10 damage, take a surprise 4 (about 1 damage should be expected) and am bested on the inspired check.

The third Dwarf Troop, fighting in the shadow of Hrimm, lands 3 damage into the Skeletons they've been fighting for a while, but the Undead hold on, barely.

Hrimm rolls well, landing good damage onto the Soul Reavers, but they hold. Still, Hrimm’s regeneration rolls have been crazy, and he’s back down to just 7 damage.

The Thegn lands a hot 3 into the Wraiths, grounding them again.

The Snow Troll horde fights the Wyrm, bringing the titan up to 8 damage, and regenerating a bit themselves.

Top of Round 5: Undead

I roll up 8 for my Command Dice.

Both of my Skeletons are claiming my opponent’s right section of the table, and fights are going well. I can leave one regiment here next turn, and the other is currently straddling the line, and so can make it back to my side of the board as the game concludes.

The Wyrm and Wraith Regiment fight the Snow Troll Horde again, and sill pick them up this time. The Wraith regiment sidesteps, and the Wyrm swivels, looking to wrest control of my opponent’s center zone.

Mhorgoth flies up to spread Dread. We try a Drain Life into the Thegn, but that is lackluster. The second spell is a Bane Chant into the Soul Reavers fighting Hrimm, and the Liche attempts a Heal into the Soul Reavers as well.

The Soul Reaver body Hrimm, landing 10 damage to bring him to 17. Dread is in the mix… and I roll up Insane Courage for the legendary frost giant.

The Skeletons fighting the Dwarf troop have been trading damage, but the Soul Reavers hitting the Dwarfs in the flank is obviously devastating. The Skeletons swivel around so they can march back towards my central zone in the final turn, and the Soul Reavers eye Hrimm’s flank.

I am apparently mean and greedy, and will take the easy rear into those Dwarfs. I throw a Bane Chant onto the fight from the nearby ASB, and will easily best the unit and then swivel to face the other Dwarf troop.

Bottom of Round 5: Northern Alliance

My opponent rolls up 2 Swords for his Command Dice, and starts the round with about a minute left on the clock. He clocks out in the movement phase as he's trying to determine what he can do to salvage anything at all.

The tournament rules are all dice down when you are out of clock time. No finishing the phase, and all Nerve checks that you didn't get to make are presumed to be steady results. We are not pressed for time though, and let him finish the turn at his own pace.

Final positioning for the Northern Alliance...

With the Skeletons besting one troop last turn, the Undead are now contesting that back corner. The remaining Dwarfs move and depart, just barely crossing the line to be claiming my left zone instead, but will expose their rear to the same Skeleton unit. This is Round 5, so don't think this is a good idea, but my opponent is again adamant to give a rear to the Skeletons.

Hrimm rolls bonkers and is able to best the Soul Reavers and then tries to overrun into my central zone, but only goes two inches and is still stuck on my opponent's side of the table. The Other Soul Reavers have an easy flank into him, once the Skeletons move to grab my central zone.

The Thegn fights on, but isn't able to best the Wraith troop.

Final positioning. The Undead should be able to clear the field.

At the end of the Round, the Northern Alliance only has the Thegn, maimed Hrimm, and the Drawf troop for remaining units. They control only my left zone, for 1 Point. I control the NA's entire side of the board, for 4 Points total.

I have about 3 minutes on my clock. Two Skeleton regiments are poised to return to my side of the board for an overwhelming scenario victory, and I have Skeletons into the rear of a Dwarf troop, at least Soul Reavers into Hrimm, and can even reinforce the fight against the Thegn with spare units as well.

However, we agree to just call the game here. There is definitely a bit of emotional manipulation, but I'm already winning the scenario, and winning the scenario by more doesn't matter for the scoring of this tournament. Fully tabling a teenager seems like poor sportsmanship, and I don't mind losing out on one attrition point for scoring if we can end things a little more amicably.

Game Conclusions

Unfortunately for Tyler, this game was a much better showing for how I envisioned my list working out. It was a mistake to give me first turn, and having been given it, I was able to hop up and pressure everything right from the start of the game. Since I was Undead, things of mine that did eventually get charged had Fearless, and most stuck around while needing just a pip or two more on the check to have broken instead, allowing me some strong plays as the game went on. Getting multiple multi-charges in, things snowballed quickly and while an insanely courageous Hrimm was nice, it was not enough to salvage the game for my opponent.

Having fielded a number of Giants myself, I really dug my opponent’s list, and mentioned that spreading out the Giants was a good call. Snow Foxes are probably more versatile chaff, but it was a neat list and interesting to see the Dwarf troops. They surprised me, but taking a few to run up and block for the Giants does seem both useful and viable, especially since these Frost Giants can use the Breath Attack over the troops without issue. With Def5 and Fury, the troops were surprisingly resilient should do good work if he stops giving folks rear charges into them!

On to Game 3!

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