Intro and ListsI got a pair of practice games in against Kenny from the Combat Phase Podcast recently. He is looking to give Kings of War a go in 2024, and has already played at Adepticon and signed up for a few tournaments already! We'll see what knowledge we can impart. He brought his Abyssal Dwarfs, and tweaked his list a little to run the following for our second game:
I think this is accurate, though as before, the list was built on the fly, and while we were looking to try to run lists with normal building rules, it looks like the list was a variant of an Ambush list, due to the unlocks needed.
I had brought a pair of lists to showcase some potential styles and things to consider. The first was the aggressive Herd, and the second one here was Abyssals, committing to some Flamebearer shooting
and exploring more MSU play. Up to test are:
- Flamebearers. Kings of War is mainly
geared for melee, so I was hoping committing to ranged units might be
friendlier, in a roundabout way, applying early damage and pressure
and then getting smacked around by my opponent. Hopefully the dice
are kind!
- Tortured Souls. They’ve done well at
holding things up, so the plan is to try and do that again here, and
then see what else they might be able to do. With 10 points left, I
figured Brutal might be nice to try out.
- Chroneas. Probably a mean pick, depending on what he was going to bring, but I
need more practice with the monster and all its special rules.
- Abyssal Fiend. Possibly a mean
pick, but only if dice are good and I am actually able to focus-fire
and rout some units using the Flamebearers and the Fiend. Otherwise,
it’ll showcase the titan unit strength vs the monster, and might
leach my opponent to focus down Inspiring sources first
The Chroneas and Fiend could be
considered mean takes, but it depends on what he brought. Knowing to build lists with tools to fight
higher-defense stuff is a good lesson to learn early on, and the goal was to run some different lists to showcase a few approaches. Committing
to the Flamebearers here might also provide some good insight to my
opponent on factors to consider for deciding the turn order and such.
I had built the Abyssal list using normal rues, and thought it would work for Ambush rules too, but as I looked stuff up for the report here, that is not the case. Each irregular unit looks to need an unlock for Ambush, so I am a shy on unlocks for that game variant.
We opted for Loot for our second game. Tokens vs objectives have tripped me up previously, so I figured this might be fertile ground for discussion and learning and relearning, in my case!
We’ll see how the game unfolds!
Table and Terrain
We were out at the great Noble Knight Games, and making use of their tables and terrain. We opted for a 4 foot by 4 foot play space, and followed the usual terrain rules, running the building as Height 9 blocking terrain, the forests as Height 6 Difficult Terrain, and Hills as Height 3.
Deployment for the Abyssal Dwarfs. |
Left-to-right my opponent had the speedy Halfbreeds and their Champion, and then the a regiment of Decimators, a regiment of Immortal Guard, and the the Dragon Fire-Team with the Iron-Caster with Fireball and troop of Blacksouls in reserve. He found a horde-sided Monstrous Infantry base for the Lesser Iron Golems, and we tried to use the front half of that to keep the regiment more cohesive this time. The Golems started in the woods to be extra defensive.
The left for the Abyssals, with lots of flying units. |
While it is a good idea to try to have a plan for each token, it is often wise to only strongly play for two of them, and get that narrow win. For the Abyssals I had both Gargoyles out on the left then the Tortured Souls and the Abyssal Fiend in the approximate center and both Flamebearers and the Chroneas out on the flank. The Gargoyles would harass out on the left, while the rest of my forces would shoot and fight for the other two tokens.
The Abyssal line from the right, with scary things and shooters. |
I won the roll off for deciding turns, and with Flamebearer shooting, gave the honors to my opponent, in the hopes he would move up.
Top of Round 1: Abyssal Dwarfs
The evil Dwarfs did indeed move up! Protected by the intervening forest, the Halfbreeds moved up as far as they could and still be hidden.
The main battle line of the Abyssal Dwarfs move out! ...Slowly! |
The Lesser Golems could only move so far, and the rest of the Abyssal Dwarfs up with them.
Bottom of Round 1: Abyssals
The Chroneas came down late, and so she had to just move her speed with the pivot to start moving around the building so as not to get trapped behind it.
The forces of the Abyss consolidate. |
The Flamebearers pivoted and moved to make way for the monster of time while tossing into the Blacksoul troop. They scorch the unit with 5 damage, but unfortunately the Abyssal Fiend can't get into range to add his Fireball, and the Nerve check is just a 3, and the unit hangs on.
Both Gargoyles nimbly pivot, move, and pivot back, getting out from behind the forest and lining up some potential large charges.
Top of Round 2: Abyssal Dwarfs
I apparently don't take a picture as the turn goes too quickly.
The Decimaters hold, taking the time to unpack the mobile Katsuchan they brought. Unfortunately, it seems like they forgot to bring the rockets, and nothing hits the Tortured Souls.
The rest of the Abyssal Dwarfs continued onward, with the Halfbreeds moving up to pick up the left Loot Token.
Bottom of Round 2: Abyssals
The Chroneas and Fiend go into the regiment of Lesser Obsidian Golems. Cloak of Death triggers against the constructs and the nearby Blacksouls. The Chroneas has strider, but only lands two damage in melee, with the hindered Fiend contributing 1. At just 4 damage, the Golems hold, proving how tough Defense 6 can be to budge!
The Flamebearers rout a troop on the second attempt. |
Elsewhere, the Tortured Souls make a pretty safe charge into the Decimators, and with Brutal, are able to just Waver them.
One Gargoyle unit holds back to see where it may be needed, while the other regiment charges the Halfbreeds with the token, dealing 2 damage to them.
After the first regiment brings the Decimators to 8, the second regiment opts to throw into the Immortals, landing 1 damage. The Decimators are thankfully routed.
Top of Round 3: Abyssal Dwarfs
The Halfbreeds and their Champion will charge the Gargoyles, and see them off the field. The Champ will contribute 2 damage, while the unit hits and wounds with all 8 of their attacks!
The Halfbreed group crushes some Gargoyles. |
The Decimators disengage, allowing the Iron-Caster to toss a Fireball into the unit, with the Dragon Fire Team joining in on the destruction as well. Six damage is done, and while the Nerve check is close, the Tortured Souls are Fearless, and stick around.
The Immortals regenerate their 1 damage, and move up to grab the central token.
Discussing some tactics, the Lesser Obsidian Golems charge the Chroneas. She can't heal herself with the Temporal Fissures, and this choice will also pop the Fiend out of combat, forcing another hindered charge. The tactics are good and the combat rolls deliver as well, with the Golems dealing 5 damage to the Chroneas!
Bottom of Round 3: Abyssals
The Chroneas counter charges the Lesser Golems, with the Fiend making another hindered charge in to support as well. They deal another 5 damage from everything this turn, bringing the regiment to 10 damage, and are able to rout the Golems with the second combat! Both will turn to face the Immortals, though the Fiend will need to move in order for the smaller Chroneas to see anything next turn.
Having been shot at but not disordered, the Tortured Souls are able to power through the Decimators with a second combat as well, and will spin around to face the rear of the Immortals.
The remaining Gargoyles charge the war machine to just tie it up, but manage to roll very hot on some attacks, landing 11 damage and will chase the crew away. They too will spin to face the Immortals.
The Flamebearers back up, denying the Immortals a charge while throwing the Firebolts into them, and bringing them up to 5 damage.
Top of Round 4: Abyssal Dwarfs
Things are looking grim for the Abyssal Dwarfs! We discuss Loot tokens, and the Halfbreeds will drop theirs to speed up, ready to avenge or support the Immortal Guard. The Halfbreed Champ can't pick up the token, but stands atop it to protect it.
The Immortals are greatly outnumbered. |
They don't have the inches to charge the Flamebearers, so the Immortals turn to face the more dire threats. Unfortunately, the angles are wide enough that something is going to be in their flank, and my opponent opts to let the Tortured Souls have it.
Bottom of Round 4: Abyssals
The Halfbreed unit hasn't been able to regenerate any damage all game, but they are only sitting on 2 damage, at the moment. The Flamebearers move up and out, and fling into the cavalry unit, landing 6 damage but getting the rout when the time comes.
The Flamebearers claim another troop. |
The Tortured Souls take the Flank, landing 5 damage into the Immortals while the Fiend attacks them in the front, dealing 4 damage. They are routed.
The towering Fiend charging out lets the Chroneas see things and she utilizes Strider to hit the Iron-Caster. We had discussed how one can choose the order of resolving combats, and we highlight that here. I resolve the Iron-Caster combat first, with the Chroneas dealing 4 Damage (5 with Cloak) but still the monster is able to take the Inspiring unit off first, leading to an easier time against the outnumbered Immortals.
The Chroneas heals the Tortured Souls for 3 with the Souls Lifeleeching their last point of damage off in the scuffle.
With no scoring units left for the Abyssal Dwarfs, that'll be the end game. A victory to the MSU of the Abyssals!
Game Conclusions
Well, upon reflection, I think my list might have been a bit too strong for my intended purpose, though my opponent not building with normal parameters didn't help things. My approach was pretty effective here, and like most smaller games, small advantages added up quickly into a landslide for one of the armies.
Testing Conclusions
- Flamebearers. This was a good match up for them, and with the Halfbreeds out on the flank, nothing my opponent had could really deal with them.
- Tortured Souls. Brutal didn't come into play, but isn't a terrible option. Straight-foward disrupting chaff is a great use for these. Charge them in, and at -/14, they will probably stick around longer than they shoud!
- Chroneas. I figured she would be more impactful than the titan at dealing with high defense, so I kept her back as my last drop, angling for a fight against the Golems. She needs support herself, but is a great force multiplier that I am liking more and more.
Despite being dealt a loss here, Kenny picked up on a lot of things, and as an experienced wargamer, I’m sure he’ll be a force to be reckoned with soon … provided his legendary dice rolls cooperate! Thanks for the games! I am glad we were able to fit them in!
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