Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Kings of War 3rd Edition: #029: Varangur vs Salamanders [Raze]

Intro and Lists

For the rematch, we both kept the same armies, but switched over to some different lists. My opponent went back to the double-flier list he had been experimenting with recently, running the following.

As-ever from my opponent, it is a very sturdy Salamanders list! Only the Ancient Phoenix is below Defense 5, and it drags the average Defense of the list down to an astonishing 4.9! Heals abound to keep the very elite units in fighting shape. T
wo regiments of Ancients and two regiments of Ceremonial Guard will hold the line while two powerful, flying Clan Lords and two Rhinosaur Cavalry units should do the killing that is needed.

This list leaned more into Varangur heavy cavalry and played with running different quantities of more familiar units, though there were still plenty of things up to test:

  • Draugr. The non-shambling zombies are quickly growing on me. I think they are best alongside of infantry, but depending on the scenario, they could be useful. If nothing else, they are cheap, mostly inconsequential drops. We'll see how they do in this list.
  • Horse Raiders. If they are just being used as blocking or sacrificial chaff, Snow Foxes are much cheaper, so I think I need to get some use out of their offensive stats to justify running them. Unfortunately, their stats aren't particularly great, so oddly enough, unless I am against a very soft target, I think generally I should prioritize positioning and threatening spicy charges over actually committing and fighting with them. We'll try that approach today and see how I do.
  • Night Raiders. The Draugr are good, cheap chaff, and cost about half of that the Raiders here cost, so I need to get some offensive use out of the Raiders to justify running them. I think the Night Raiders are going to be similar in practice to the Horse Raiders, assuming I an evaluating them both correctly. Like the Horse Raiders, I do not want the Night Raiders in sustained combat, but fancy maneuvering is going to be harder with the infantry here, so I'm not quite sure how to use effectively use these. We'll see what I come up with.
  • Mounted Sons. I have really liked these so far. The stats are good and have Crushing Strength on cavalry is pretty great! I had 30 extra points, so they all got a Brand as well. Brutal seemed like a good place to start there, and we'll see how they do.
  • Snow Foxes. I am down to just one regiment in this list! I tend to bring a lot of chaff in my games, but often bleed it away a little too freely. I want to try and really purposefully use this unit, and see how I do and what I block up. Will one be enough, or should I have run more instead of running the Horse Raiders??
  • Magus Conclaves. These are really cool war engines since they have mobility! They are still war engines though, so I think one wants to run the max you can. But we'll see how just two feel for damage output this time around.   
  • Skald with Lute. I wanted more sources of Inspiring and recently painted him up, so we'll give him a try again today. The stats of the Mounted Sons are good, so hopefully a Bane Chant or two can help them decisively push through things.
  • Thegns on Frostfangs. My full-fledged Lords have been rolling poorly and failing to do the damage I really need them to be doing. I have also not made good use of Nimble to-date with them. As demoted Thegns they should still be able to still threaten a couple of damage on anything and be able to apply some pressure, but the demotion should save me a significant amount of points. Less of an investment in these will hopefully let me focus on positioning and the basics of fielding using such a unit.
  • Kruufnir. With the I points saved from demoting the Lords to Thegns, I was able to afford a troll for the list, which should give me 5 sources of Inspiring - several more sources than usual for this army. Running the legendary version of the troll is just for fun - I'm not sure if a d3 Wild Charge and Rampage is really worth the extra points, but we'll see how the deluxe version performs!
Coming off of a win with my infantry list, I was feeling quite confident with my triple Mounted Sons Regiments. With an advantage again in both drops and unit strength, I hoped to save the heavy cavalry for my last deployments, and really get some leverage from the deployment phase. With faster hammers this time, I was hoping to deploy well, apply pressure, and hopefully snag another win with good play.

Table and Deployment

We generated another table, got Raze for a scenario, and got down to it again. As before, we chose to ignore the topography of the board and treat the corner hills as open terrain. Hills were Height 3, Graveyards Height 1 Difficult Terrain, Buildings Height 9 Blocking, Fences Height 2 Obstacles, and Forests were Height 6 Difficult Terrain. 

I won the roll-off for sides, and made him deal with the obstacles that ended up near that deployment zone. Rhinosaurs hate terrain after all. With my drop advantage, I was able to save all the Mounted Sons for the end. 

A very compact deployment from a very elite Salamanders list. I took this as my opponent was finishing up... and then forgot to take pictures of my own, final deployment.

My opponent deployed very compactly, only occupying about 2/3s of the board. From my left-to-right he has Ancients with Brew, Ancients with Aegis and two Ceremonial Guard. The infantry are screening the Mage with Heal, Ancient Phoenix, Mage with Bane Chant, and Clan Lord with Blessing of the Gods. On the far right were the Rhinosaur hordes and Clan Lord with Brew of Sharpness.

The scenario was Raze. We can contest but not control or claim tokens placed by our opponent. For our own tokens, if we control it at the end of our player turn, we can claim it, removing it from the field and gaining a victory point. As the game goes on, our tokens should dwindle and our attention should be drawn to the center of the board, where there is a neutral token that cannot be picked up. If we both pick up all of our placed tokens, it comes down to who can control the center for a 4:3 split. For said tokens, I laid one in each section of the board, but generally favored my left. My opponent opted for one in the center, and two off on my right flank. 

I forgot to get a picture of my own final deployment, so we'll cover mine in more detail at the game gets going. My opponent won the roll off for first turn, and opted to go first, hoping to set the pace and gain some ground before my Magus Conclaves could open fire. And with that, the rematch was on!

Top of Round 1: Salamanders

On the stacked right, the Rhinosaurs and Clan Lord scoot forward, out of or around the terrain and avoiding the possible 15" charge range from the Thegn in the front of my lines. 

There was a lot that ended up over here.

Out here for me are a lot. There are some Draugr, Magnilde and the Skald, Horse Raiders screening my single unit of Snow Foxes, a Thegn, and two Night Raiders screening two regiments of Mounted Sons. I opted to deploy two of the Mounted Sons regiments here, mirroring the harder flank of my opponent. I was hoping with some layers I could set up good trades and beat up on this flank. If I can remove the Rhinosaurs, I should hopefully be able to deal with everything else he has. 

A pretty open center with the slow Ancients opposing the Conclaves and some Draugr.

In the center, the Ceremonial Guards stalk through the forest, and the Ancients move up slowly as well, with one unit looking to contest my objective in the central zone and the other looking to stake a claim to the central objective marker and/or his own central token. All in all, it was a slow and steady advance, and a very typical opening turn.

My center was quite weak. Kruufnir babysat the Conclaves for now, but they were all were looking to bully some aging Salamanders in the coming turns.

The left. The Sons were thankfully angled to avoid the graveyard.

Finishing up my deployment stuff, my opponent had placed nothing out on my left flank, giving me free rein. Horse Raiders were poised to start grabbing my objectives quickly, while the angled Mounted Sons and nimble Theign should hopefully move fast and sweep the Ancients with Kruufnir in the coming turns.

Bottom of Round 1: Varangur

My overall plan was for my two Draugr units, in the center on on my right, to contest two of the objectives of my opponent, while the fighting on the hard flank should hopefully prevent them from easily claiming their third objective. 

So much for using the offensive abilities of the Horse Raiders. Die well! 

On my right, Horse Raiders and Snow Foxes ran up to delay the Rhinosaurs. The layered Night Raiders and Mounted Sons moved forward, but the range was too great for any throwing weapons. The Thegn, Skald, and Magnilde all moved in more to support this flank, knowing its importance. The Draugr scoot forward a few inches, but don't even move their speed, wary of giving the elite Clan Lord and good flying charge.

In the center Kruufnir moves up brashly. The Ancients are far too slow to threaten a charge, so he can afford to be very aggressive. The Draugr here move up to contest this objective for my opponent, while the Conclaves toss their magiks into the Ancients on the far flank, and will land an impressive 6 damage at range. The Conclaves are off to a great start!

As my left flank moves out, the Conclaves roll very well for the first volley!

On the left, the cavalry all move up aggressively. The Horse Raiders move 16" and pivot. They unfortunately can't claim the objective until the end of my Round 2, but should be in a position to swing through the enemy deployment zone in the coming turns. The Thegn and Mounted Sons move up, hoping to mince some Ancients next turn after the devastating volley from the Conclave this turn.

Top of Round 2: Salamanders

Seeing the pressure from my left, my opponent chooses to fly the second Clan Lord over to support, and between popping the Brew of Healing and a spell from the Phoenix, should heal up most of the damage on the Ancients. The race begins... The center units shift defiantly in front of Kruufnir, wondering who the troll will charge.

The Clan Lord reinforces, with a lot gunning for the ancients on the flank.

On the right, some Rhinosaurs punch through the Horse Raiders, while the other Rhinosaur unit and a unit of Ceremonial Guard cut down the Snow Foxes. The Foxes tanked a lot, so I guess this was a good use of them? 

Ouch! That is unfortunate.

The Clan Lord is just in range for a flame breath attack against the Night Raiders. The rolling was above average, as was the Nerve check, and they are wavered! 

That's a lot of angry Salamanders...

Unfortunately, this really jams my units up! The hill was a bit of a balancing act, and I am very close together with my units. This positioning should be considered an error by me. I am seeking to block out any long charges from the flying Clan Lord against the Mounted Sons. The Clan Lord is 75mm, so I can be nearly 3 inches back from the edge of a screening unit and still accomplish that goal. Positioning error for sure here.

Adding salt on the wound here, in-game, we did not give the Night Raiders cover, due to the towering height of the Clan Lord. However, I forget about the Raiders being Stealthy, so the damage results are far better than they would normally be. A lot went wrong here, and it can all be traced back to player errors on my part. Hopefully I've learned some lessons from this!

Bottom of Round 2: Varangur

My right is all jammed up now, but I try to make the best of it. The untouched Night Raider unit charges the Rhinosaurs near the table edge, slipping some damage in and occupying their attention, but most importantly freeing up some space. The Mounted Sons behind the charging Raiders charge the other unit Rhinosaurs, and are joined by the Thegn. My Bane Chant on the Mounted Sons misses, but I am still able to cut down the Rhinosaurs with the multi charge!

A pretty decent recovery, if I do say so myself. One unit of Rhinosaurs down!

Magnilde charges the Ceremonial Guard, landing a few damage and will prevent the phalanx unit from contributing to the savage combats here on the flank for now. The wavered Night Raiders can only hold, since things are so darn close, I can't even really pivot. The second unit of Mounted Sons move up, interpenetrating the wavered unit, getting in front of them, and occupying that space. They will be protected from a Clan Lord charge next turn, limiting the options of the flier a tiny bit. I have enough units here I can hopefully grind out my opponent and recover.

A quite unfortunate result with the Clan Lord looming near by...

In the center, the Conclaves have shifted fire into the unengaged unit of Ceremonial Guard, dealing just a few damage this turn. 

Kruufnir has a nimble flank charge into the Ancients, deftly avoiding the two units that were ready for him. The legendary troll is joined by the Mounted Sons and Thegn in the front of the unit. The Ancients are brought to the edge of devastation for damage taken, and are as good as gone, when I roll up Insane Courage for them. This result leaves me a bit exposed here...

The Ancients insanely holding is bad news for the Varangur. Still, this turn I've taken out one unit of Rhinosaurs, and the Horse Raiders will nab an objective for me. With my greater unit strength, I will wrest control of the objective near the insane Ancients. This means that I am up by 2 points and the plan for the scenario is holding strong so far.

Top of Round 3: Salamanders

The offensive on my left has stalled out and is vulnerable, so the Salamanders counter-attack. The Ancient Phoenix moves up near the combat, healing allies and hurting foes with its auras. Its Heal spell should also give something a respite.

The Clan Lord takes Kruufnir in the flank, but deals just 6 total and the troll holds. We did double the attacks for the flank charge, but it was a dice flub of epic proportions, and incredibly lucky for me! The insane Ancients counter-charge, with their comrades joining in and hitting the Mounted Sons in the flank and receiving a Bane Chant too. The Ancients will cut down the enemy cavalry. One unit will side-step to try and box in the Thegn and the other will change facing to look at my Draugr that are currently contesting my opponent's objective near the center.

Yep, that'll be in the flank for sure. The Mounted Sons will be cut down. Ouch!

Out on my right, the the Clan Lord will charge and dispatch the regiment of Mounted Sons and avenge the fallen Rhinosaurs while the other unit of Rhinosaurs nearer the table edge dispatch the Night Raiders with ease. 

At the end of his round, my opponent controls no objectives, so claims none.

Bottom of Round 3: Varangur

Kruufnir disengages from the Clan Lord and charges into the flank of the Ancients again, joined by the nearby Thegn. This move hasn't come up in games yet, but if I'm understanding the rules correctly, this was always legal, as you aren't perpetually stuck in a combat. If the new (I guess optional) rules are applied here, it is just a matter of if there would be a -1 penalty to hit with the new charge or not. We do apply the new rule, and play it with the penalty, which overall seems fair in this instance.

The Magus Conclaves continue to shoot into the Ceremonial Guard. After a hot round 1, combined the Conclaves are only dealing about 2 damage per turn if memory serves.

Magnilde has been landing good hits against the Ceremonial Guard, and they should be at around 7 damage right now. Not in danger of breaking, but it is a possibility. Unfortunately, I roll up Insane Courage for them.

Not wanting to charge into the phalanx of the Ceremonial Guard and unable to see the Clan Lord for a flank charge, the Thegn opts to try and bully the Mage, and even lands a few goods hits. Unfortunately, I roll up Insane Courage for the Mage.

Some decent charges here, all things considered.

The other unit of Mounted Sons charge the Clan Lord. Even without Bane Chant though, the Clan Lord is pummeled up into double-digits of damage. Unfortunately, I roll up the third Insane Courage of the turn (the forth of the game), and the Clan Lord defiantly sticks around too. 

The formerly-wavered Night Raiders charge the Rhinosaurs, getting them up near double-digits of damage. I had resolved the previous combats first to give them the best chance of breaking. Like the Ceremonial Guard, they are not likely to rout, but it was a possibility... If I recall correctly their they have a "normal" Nerve check of 3 though and will stick around, completely unbothered as well.

Insane Courage for the Clan Lord.

Well, it was not the greatest of turns! The Mounted Sons rolled quite well despite not getting Bane Chanted, and Clan Lord should probably have been seen off with an average roll, so that result stings the most. The others were not likely to run, with the Rhinosaurs needing the highest with a 9 on the roll to lose heart. Despite the significant set-backs in my combats this turn, my plan for the scenario is still working out for now. The Clan Lord is too far up to contest my last objective, and the Thegn is able to claim that, bringing me up to a nice 3-0 for now for points.

Top of Round 4: Salamanders

The Clan Lord rips back into the Mounted Sons. Amazingly, they hold, but their doom is sealed. The surviving Rhinosaurs will shred the second unit of Night Raiders and turn to face the Mounted Sons. With the change in facing, they are able to get a corner close and claim my opponent's right-most objective. 

The Ceremonial Guard rolls hot and and lands something like 8 new damage against Magnilde, and will cut her down this turn. The Mage hit by the Thegn disengages and runs away, out of my charge arc.

Kruufnir is dragged down by the other Clan Lord, who rolls much better this time, and then victoriously turns to menace the weaker Thegn.

The Ceremonial Guard and Ancients will multi-charge into the Draugr contesting my opponent's centrally-placed objective, will land some damage, but will just fail to rout the zombies.

For the objectives, it is now 3-1 in favor of the Varangur.

Bottom of Round 4: Varangur

My turns were getting quicker and I have been bat at pictures it seems.

Off the right, my Draugr charge in against the Ceremonial Guard that felled Magnilde, just trying to keep them away from the objective. The Mounted Sons counter-charge the Clan Lord, I finally land a Bane Chant from the Skald, and the mighty lord is finally felled. The nearby Thegn has no charges, and just turns, joining the queue to try and fight the Rhinosaurs. My hope is to keep them away from my opponent's final objective.  

Not wanting to fight with a Clan Lord more than twice his points, the other Thegn charges the Ancient Phoenix instead, nimbly getting in. A couple damage is done, and so the monster will be disordered, but that is all I accomplish there.

My Horse Raiders unfortunately cannot join in against the Phoenix due to the angle and the woods, but are now galloping through my opponent's deployment zone, moving around the woods, and eyeing up the central, unclaimable objective for the late game.

In the center, the Draugr counter-charge the Ancients, so I can continue firing the Conclaves into the Ceremonial Guard. The ranged damage is consistently 1-2, so nice I guess, but the wizarding artillery have not really been that impactful after that hot first turn. The high defense of the Salamanders is doing a lot of preventative work I think. The Draugr will manage to slip 1 damage in against the Ancients and I get boxcars for the Nerve check! Unfortunately, that being the only damage they have taken, it is not enough to rout them, and being Fearless, they cannot be wavered, so are just fine, and will even heal back that one damage, utilizing the Aegis magic item. Harrumph. 

Top of Round 5: Salamanders

On the right, the Rhinosaurs will charge and trounce my remaining Mounted Sons. Safe for a turn, the Mage has recovered, and will heal them down to 1 or 2 total damage, if memory serves. As in our other games, heals and an elite, defensive force are a good pairing! The Ceremonial Guard will counter-charge the Draugr and land 7 damage, but the zombies hold. The surviving Clan Lord will fly over to menace the Draugr, but is unable to reach them this turn. Additionally, the Ceremonial Guard are too far away to claim that objective, and the Draugr have more unit strength than the Clan Lord, so that objective is still contested for now.

Centrally, the Phoenix disengages from the Thegn, and flaps over towards the center. The Ancients and Ceremonial Guard will triumph over the Draugr, and both turn to face the center. They are able to claim that objective at the end of the turn, bringing it to Varangur 3, Salamanders 2. 

Bottom of Round 5: Varangur

On the right, the Skald tries to get off a Bane Chant on the Thegn, but fails, meaning he is 1 for 4 in successfully casting the spell. Thanks, guy. The Thegn will still land a surprising amount of damage against the Rhinosaurs, but thanks to the strong heals, they should easily hold.

We know the Thegn should be aligned centrally, but the hill was precarious!

The Draugr will countercharge the Ceremonial Guard, and surprisingly, will land a few damage on them. Magnilde did a number on them already, so they are actually in danger of routing with an average check, but do stick around. The Guard are still too far away to claim the objective though, so I have that going for me.

The Phoenix model has a lot of trailing fire. Again, the Horse Raiders should be shuffled to the center, but can't get there with the pokey-outy bits.

Centrally, the Horse Raiders make a rear-charge into the Phoenix landing a fair amount of damage. The fiery monster is 16/18 though, and sticks around. The Thegn cannot charge anything, so tucks in behind that combat, looking to contest the center objective in the last turn.

The Conclaves continue to toss into the Ceremonial Guard. They've dealt the unit a consistent 1-3 damage from round 2 on, but continue to fail to rout their target. The Salamanders are quite sturdy!

Top of Round 6: Salamanders

In the center, the Phoenix again disengages and flaps a ways away from the Horse Raiders, regenerating nearly all of the damage taken so far. Regeneration on a 3+ is no joke! The Ceremonial Guard control the central objective. The Ancients slam into the Horse Raiders, wavering them if memory serves. They are just barely able to stake a claim to the central objective as well.

On the right, the Rhinosaurs charge the Thegn, but are disordered, and surprisingly don't deal enough to see him off the table. He is, however, wavered. When I am checking the stats, I finally discover that I paid the 10 points for the 6th attack, and that I've been rolling 5 base attacks for every combat all day with both of my Thegns. Running multiple armies is hard. We'll add this to the list of lessons hopefully learned today.

The Clan Lord hungrily takes the flank of my remaining Dragr, with the Ceremonial Guard continuing their frontal assault into the unit. Amazingly, the Draugr accumulate 20+ damage, but Insane Courage is rolled up.

We have a slight rules goof here - the Draugr should be Devastated due to the incredible damage taken. This would halve their attacks and their unit strength. They are still boxing out the Ceremonial Guard, so it is a US1 Clan Lord vs a US1 Devastated Draugr unit for control of this last objective. The goof has no impact on the game as the objective is still contested, but this is something to note. 

With 3-2 for placed tokens, it comes down to the central objective! Will the Varangur be able to dislodge the Salamanders and secure a win?

Bottom of Round 6: Varangur

Unfortunately for me, my forces are in tatters. The Horsemen are wavered. They should maybe disengage, or do so and then move back to try and draw the Ancients away... but they just stay put. It has been a long day of gaming and I don't think my opponent would actually chase them with victory within his grasp. The Thegn rear-charges the Phoenix, and I finally roll my full attacks for a combat. Unfortunately, the Phoenix is quite resilient, and having regenerated most of the damage taken so far, easily holds again after a second rear charge in as many turns...

The Conclaves land another few damage against the Ceremonial Guard, and do finally manage to rout them.

I have claimed my three objectives. My opponent has claimed two of his. With about an 8th of an inch, the Ancients still control the central objective. Round 6 is a 3-3 tie... but we do roll up a round 7.

Top of Round 7: Salamanders

We talk out the remaining moves. I don't think any dice were actually rolled for either of us.

The Rhinosaurs can just disengage from the wavered Thegn on the right, and move to claim my opponent's final objective. The Ancients can simply disengage from the wavered Horse Raiders to solidify their hold on the center, easily winning out over my Thegn in a contest of unit strength. 

Bottom of Round 7: Varangur

Two out of my three remaining scoring units would be wavered. My Thegn wouldn't have a charge into the Ancients, and the Magus Conclaves would need to exponentially step up their game to shoot the old Salamanders off the table. It's been a heckuva game, and I opt to tap out. The Salamanders take a 4-3 victory!  

Game Conclusion

I was feeling very confident going into this game. I think I had a solid plan for the scenario, and I had a nice edge with drops, chaff, and unit strength. However, the dice just did not cooperate! Four Insane Courage results was just too much for me to overcome. The final tally was still close, and I'm glad I was able to put up a fight, but my opponent played a good game overall. With some good fundamental plays and with luck on his side, was able knock aside nearly all my units and secure the win in the end. 


Testing Conclusion

It's hard to read too much into the testing and results here. Statistical norms seem to have clocked out a little early on the day. And yet... I somehow still have a lot of things to say about everything:
  • Draugr. This was a good scenario for them, and really highlights their potential as cheap drops and objective holders. They didn't directly support the cavalry force in any combats, but did well just making things difficult for my opponent and the cheap drops were certainly good to have.
  • Horse Raiders. I didn't have enough chaff to stop both units of Rhinosaurs early on, so one unit was conscripted to help pen them in. The other unit was used better, playing the scenario and even got a rear-charge! So, these were a bit of a mixed bag. I think if I have the points I might throw in one unit in a future list for fun, but I am not going to push it and fit two in again anytime soon. I need my chaff!
  • Night Raiders. I'm bummed I forgot that they were stealthy, but so it goes with fielding a new unit. These did ok? No axes were thrown, but they did get in and do some damage before they fell. They actually seemed to do better here this game as a sacrificial front line? They are likely to do some damage, but their defense is bad enough that they are quite likely to die and make way for your actual hammer units. This is an intriguing role, but doesn't seem like a great use of 140 points. I'll need to play around with them some more. I still don't have a good feel for this unit. 
  • Mounted Sons. The Brutal upgrades didn't come into play at all. I still really like the units and seeing my old minis. We won't hold this game against them and they'll be back soon! 
  • Snow Foxes. As it turns out, one unit was not enough! With my playstyle I think I am going to want at least 2 of these most of the time. They are just great at delaying and my Varangur lists really seem to want to do that these days.
  • Magus Conclaves. These might actually be better in an infantry list, with a bit more time to soften up targets. They did pretty consistent damage, but unfortunately it was usually just a combined 1-3 damage per turn. War machines have more hurdles than other units to get to the damage in (hit rolls, blast rolls, and then rolls vs defense), and si can feel disappointing and swingy in games. I think the high defense of the Salamanders played a significant part in their underwhelming showing here. All this to say that these two obviously didn't have the impact I was hoping for this game. So it goes with war machines. 
  • Skald with Lute. He was theoretically nice to have, but was very underwhelming this game, failing more often than not to connect with the spell. That'll happen sometimes. I still want some cheaper inspiring sources around, so I think we'll keep him around for now. As an infantry model, he didn't have any trouble seeing things to try and cast the spell on, which was nice.
  • Thegns on Frostfangs. I couldn't believe that I almost made it through the entire day before remembering I had a 6th attack! Finding that out while swinging into the rear of the Phoenix was fun, though that still resulted in nothing. The Phoenix, with it's high nerve and Regen 3+ was hard to deal with. I think you just gotta ignore it unless you can pop it in one go with multiple units, or just continually disorder it with something cheap. Anyways, here again, the Thegns performed about as well as my Lords typically do, so the demotion felt like a good move for the roster by freeing up more points. I felt like I was using nimble much better these games as well, so that was fun to explore and a step in the right direction for better play on my part.
  • Kruufnir. Overall, I liked him. I noticed in between games that the Rampage is a straight 3 more attacks, and not a d3, which is a neat design-space. I liked the design of the unit, and thought he did ok overall. I like my mini, and will get him rebased and I will try him out again!
A final thank you to my opponent for fitting in these games. I had a great time and the dice certainly made this game memorable! I'm looking forward to our next meeting!

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