
Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Hobby Update: Undead Wraiths

Another post in my attempt to get caught up. This time I have some Undead! This "little" collection is growing!

The original. Has a more blended look. And more green.
I picked up part of a box of these a year or so ago for fun and painted two of the three models up for fun. In October, I decided that I could easily run these as Wraiths for Kings of War, and picked up another box to make three units of two models each.

The newcomers. More drybrushing at the end, so it has a bit of a layered look with white highlights.

I wanted to do these up quickly with an eye to getting some ghastly painting experience for the Coven Throne conversion I still have yet to start on. I still have a number of other units to finish up before I start that project though. Contrary to most of the evidence in the blog, I do have a little hobbying self control...

On the field, Height 1 could provide some line of sight issues, and Shambling could hamper their positioning for the desired flank charges. However, I think they have the potential to do quite well. Clever deployment could help mitigate the potential issues mentioned above. Their Shambling is much better than most of the Undead Shambling, and Fly gives them immense reach to threaten things once they get to where you want them to be. In a typical Undead list with a fair number of anvil units in play, getting that flank charge shouldn't be too hard methinks. They seem like one of those units that anyone could use decently, but could really dominate a game in the hands of a really competent general.

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