
Monday, December 4, 2017

Hobby Update: KoM Infantry

Back in September I had started hobbying on four regiments of infantry for the Regnum Aeternum. Now, they are ready for the table!

First up are the Shield Wall regiments, who are models are from Warlord Games, with some kettle helmet headswaps from the Mounted Sergeant and Man-at-Arms boxes from Fireforge. I figured this would free up a lot of Roman-style heads for possible future conversions, as well as give them a distinctive look to separate them from m other units.

Game-wise, the Shield Wall have a lot of 4+ stats, so are a nice "well-rounded" melee infantry unit. However, at 4+ Def they are not tanky enough to really tie things up for long, and without Crushing Strength, their attacks at 4+  are unlikely to punch through anything on their own. Like most KoM units, these will need to work alongside other units, and their biggest selling point is their low cost. At 100 points, these Regiments are mostly cheap unlocks and relatively dependable stumbling blocks to use against my opponent. Happy to call them done.

Also ready for the table are two regiments of Foot Guard. I painted them up in tandem with the Shield Wall, but based them later, and I'm glad I happened to do it that way. One thing that I did not like about the finish Shield Wall was how scattered they looked. All but two models in the Regiment have shields... and both are front and center in their units, leading to units that looks almost nothing like their namesake. In retrospect, I wish I had gotten a little more creative with multibasing to get more shields up front.

While not a huge improvement looks-wise, I do like how the Foot Guard turned out. The standard bearer is still up in front, leading the charge and flanked by two soldiers on each side. The unshielded commander is a rank behind, coordinating things. Head-on, the unit looks more organized and professional, which is a good thing, considering they are my elite infantry.

Their stats are a step up from the Shield Wall in every respect, so they should prove to be reliable units. The 5+ defense should let them tank many things decently for a turn, and slightly better Nerve should help them stick around to counter charge. Hitting on 3+ should get a point of damage or two through on the attack statistically. Their better stats makes them ideal targets for friendly magic, like Heal or Bane-Chant to get a little more mileage out of the unit. Very eager to get these guys on the table sometime.

I still have a more hobbying from October/November to get caught up on blog-wise. Should have more posts up soon!

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