
Monday, March 14, 2016

Update on my Transition Projects

Pi Day was celebrated very fully by me today, with a copious amounts of coffee and a variety of delectable slices of pie consumed throughout the day. Probably fortunately for me (as the sugar/caffeine crash was… expectedly brutal at the end of the day) my potential games fell through for tonight, so got a little hobby in, and relaxed.

With the completion of Zeno’s Greatsword Foot Guard, a hefty chunk of my models in transition projects were moved into the “done” category.

While I still have some other GW units I could transition over to KoW... I am not feeling the need to do so. I like my army plan and don’t think I need to bring these officially into the fold (yet). Anyways, here is an update on what is left of my planned transition projects:

RegimentPole-Arms Block Regiment (Fancy Hats)100
RegimentPike Block135

Everything except for the last troop of Pole-Arms (which is still on the sprue) can be considered “in-progress,” as it has some amount of paint on it already. We’ll see how long it takes to power through the last of these units and move on to new, unspoiled plastic.

…and speaking of, as a reward for finishing up the Foot Guard, I just placed an order for a few new plastic goodies... mostly more Roman stuff. I haven’t even started on my older new plastic yet. The vicious cycle of hobbying continues… 

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