
Monday, September 9, 2019

Hobby Update: 3D Printed Terrain

This past year I've tried to build up a wargaming table. I've had pretty decent success, even if it hasn't been used as much as I would like...

Back in November I started off on this terrain endeavor with some spooky terrain. In addition to some train trees and some actual models, I also tried out some 3D printed things, and was pretty pleased. I've since acquired a few more bundles, mostly as gifts, and have dutifully painted them up months ago.

The tall pieces in the back right are cool, but you only get two pieces in that bundle. Still, not bad!
I received two sets of ruined walls. They are a bit high for fences, but make good little bits of Blocking Terrain for sure. These were washed, dried, then primed black and then painted up in good stone-like grey tones. I'll be polling any opponents to see how they like the windows. I considered adding wood planks to really block line of sight too, but laziness won out. We'll see who folks want to play them, and they may be added to down the road.

Vampire for scale? Yeah, a few of these would break up a field nicely...
Additionally, I picked up some craters, which I thought might be some good height zero difficult terrain. I had considered kit bashing some spiky pit traps, but these were easier to just paint up. I have yet to test them out in game, but they are decently sized. I figure a few would add something interesting to the board, I doubt I'll ever run the full lot...

Overall, I've been very pleased with the 3D terrain. If you're cool and have a printer or know someone... you could probably crank these out for pennies. Still, going the more expensive route via Amazon wasn't bad. No bundle was more than $20, even the Graveyard, so this wasn't that expensive. I think trees and hills are better run with other materials, (and a how-to will be coming soon on hills) but for some small buildings and the like, 3D isn't bad at all, and a pretty easy way to populate a gaming table with passable (and durable!) terrain. 

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