
Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Hobby WIP: Vacation Edition

I just got back from a splendid little vacation. Being gone a little more than a week, I decided to bring along a box of things to potentially hobby on. As it turned out, I ended up making a ton of progress on a bunch of models across a variety of armies. All told, about 1500 points is now ready for basing. Add to that number the projects that got a little paint, and also the nearly complete Bloodsworn horde I left at home... and close to 2000 points of things will be appearing in the blog as "updates" relatively soon.

Most of the progress. Some KoM Foot Guard got some paint after I snapped this picture.
Most of the progress was due to a curious girlfriend. Near the end of our respite from jobs, we were due to meet up with another couple for some 5e Dungeons and Dragons. As the DM, I kicked around a few character ideas with my girlfriend, as she was new to the game. As a hobbyist, I picked up a few models to potentially represent those ideas. In the end we went with a model from Reaper to for rascal soldier known as Lareo Qindi. While I hobbied on some other things, she set to work on her model, and as she worked, she found that she really liked painting minis.

Lareo and some zombies. Not bad for your first models!
Fortunately, I had brought along just the thing for her to cut her teeth on: Zombies! I picked up a Mantic Horde probably close to two years ago, quickly assembled them... and let them sit in a box since. With the exception of a few test models, she did all the painting work, and did an amazing job. Now, I just need to figure out how to base them... I'll think of something. Anyways, much, much more to come soon!

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