
Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Hobby Update: Varangur Monsters

Whenever possible, I like to hobby in batches, gathering up some (hopefully all) the models or units I have that need something done, and then doing it. The biggest con of this approach is that it can take a lot of time to get things finished off, particularly if you have a lot to do, since everything inches towards completion together. Fortunately, I managed to get a little over 1k of Varangur across the finish line recently! Unfortunately, these are the low-hanging fruit. The rest of what I painted up recently is going to be a slog.

Bloodsworn Horde

These dudes have been in-process for about a month. Being a bit lazy, I didn't really want to repaint them, so the red armor stayed. However, they did get a good amount of touching up: repainted cloaks, touched up weapons, and shading effects all around. The banner will likely get something down the line, but I haven't quite decided on what just yet. We'll see.

Hot dang, a horde!
This is the last of the Bloodsworn. I still have a sizable contingent of old Warriors of Chaos models, but I have enough big halberd-like things (mostly Chaos Knight spears or conversions using the Warrior's banner man arm) that the rest of the models will be run as 3 regiments of Sons of Korgaan infantry... which I probably won't get to for a while.

Regiment of Reavers

These guys were originally done up for Warhammer, then converted over into Age of Sigmar. My intent was to do a spawn-themed Tzeentch army, but that project collapsed. These guys managed to get finished up though, so they've been dutifully guarding a shelf for two years. When I went to box them up and make room for other things, I realized I had 11 models... which meant I could field them as a regiment of Reavers, and all I'd need to do was rebase them. Done!

Lots of kitbash conversions here. I liked building these guys back in the day.
They are a bit of an odd unit, in that they are an infantry unit with Thunderous Charge, and a good number of attacks relative to their unit footprint. Provided they can get the charge, they should deliver a lot of damage.They should be pretty versatile, and look like they will be able to be run anywhere I need things to die. Looking forward to seeing these in action!


I've been wanting to add some monsters to the Varangur for a while. They are single models worth over a hundred points each, so they are a nice way of boosting my overall army total for not a lot of effort. Since they are plastics from Reaper Mini, they are also a cheap way to expand the army. Wins all around!

Om nom nom...
The Devourers (Great Worm) ended up being real wins. Not having seen these scaled up against anything else, I was concerned that they might be too small, but they ended up looking great. I painted them up with a light flesh color, then a blue wash to try and get a "chilled" look. The paint job turned out ok (hard to get a good pic of the model's mouth, but you get the idea) and I'd highly recommend the models!

The Cavern Dwellers (Ankheg) models also ended up being really nice too. Paint-wise, I went for a dark blue body with tan plates, and I think the scheme turned out ok. I may give them a blood effect or something down the line (they seem like they are missing something), but they are perfectly fine for now.

These newcomers push me up over 4000 points of Varangur, so the army is coming along nicely!

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