
Monday, February 28, 2022

Hobby Update: KoM Bowmen

I was very excited to get in a game in February, and it reinvigorated my hobby drive, for better or for worse.

For worse, as my pandemic lifestyle persists! I still have very little space, and most of my paints and minis are packed away deep in the closet or stacked down in the storage unit. Fortunately, I had a free weekend at the end of February, and was able to extricate enough stuff from my storage nooks to get some good hobbying in and relax. It was nice to just sit back and paint for a few days! That has not happened in quite a while.

Winter is not quite finished here in Wisconsin, but thankfully, I had a few things primed, and ended up working on two Bowmen troops for the Regnum. The models are from Gripping Beast's  Late Roman Infantry box, which is pretty solid - I will have much more to say as I hobby on more of the contents this spring. For now, only the archers were ready for paint, and I want to keep this post relatively short.

Close-ups. My light box is unfortunately packed away, so we're back to desk pics.

I had planned on one regiment, but as I painted, I decided to go for two troops instead. The stands are thick and I knew right away while painting that pasting the base was going to be a pain. Orientation of the minis was going to be a potential issues as well. Since I was trying to relax, I took the easy way out, just basing as troops and even dropping a model from each to fit better. The staggered ranks look good for archers I think, particularly these where everyone is posed to be shooting.

From the front, the stands are a little more disguised. A little. Should look fine on the tabletop though.

Painted up, the stands were prominent under the paste, so I added in some tiny rocks and a few bushes - pretty standard hobbying stuff. I think at some point I'm going to buy a few boxes of various tufts and just go to town on the Regnum to nicen up the bases with shrubbery, but that's a project for another day. These units are good for now! This year is going to be busy for me, but hopefully more hobbying and more games coming soon!

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