
Wednesday, January 8, 2020

New Year; Same Me

I am quite eager for Third Edition, but just haven't had the time to keep up with the blog, or even just finish my thoughts on how the new edition impacts my armies yet.

I also didn't do a proper Year in Review as I had done on previous years, for two reasons:
1) All the points changes with the new edition! I didn't feel like I had a simple way to benchmark my collection progress currently to do a meaningful wrap up there. The 3rd Edition thoughts on each will suffice for me to see where I'm at.
2) Games played are still a fraction of what I'd like to play re: my yearly goals, and that's a bit disheartening.

There is no local scene to glom on to currently. If I want to play a game, I have to organize it, build both lists, and then teach the game while we play. It's still a lot of fun, but it's also quite a lot of work.

There are many demands on my time these days, even some great nerdy demands, but unfortunately Kings of War is continually taking a back seat given all the extra effort it requires for me. My goal is to still play once a month if possible, but I'm accepting that KoW is on the back burner for me.

I will finish my thoughts on the changes Third Edition brings to my remaining armies (League, Halflings, KoM and Varangur) soon, and we'll see if I can't sneak in a 3rd Edition game to boot. Thanks for stopping by... I'll have some more content up soon!

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