
Monday, September 16, 2019

Hobby Update: Avatar of the Father and Stampede

This fall has seen me trying to finish up some miscellaneous Kings of War projects that have been sitting around my apartment for too darn long. I'm not working on any one army right now, just trying to finish things up so I can tidy up a bit. My shelves were getting cluttered...

I started on my Herd army waaay back in 2016. It took about a year to get any significant progress with it, but it's sitting in a pretty good spot currently with a bit over 2000 points, though much of the collection is redundant; I've got multiple Lycan Hordes, Beast Packs, and Tribal units. All that seems well and good, but I wanted to give it some distinctive and Herd-specific units as well, and am finally getting around to that...

Avatar of the Father

The model is from Privateer Press' Hordes line, a Gnarlhorn. They've actually got some good looking minis! Lots and lots of character. The kit has several options, and I went with big horns to convey an elder leader kinda guy, and the clenched fists, to better convey his combat role. I'm sure the model is popular among Herd generals... it's rather nice!

Rather nice indeed. Good pose, and nice options. 

On the table, he should be rather imposing. Of defense, he's got a 5+, and is -/19 for Nerve. Along with Iron Resolve, he should be hard to shift.

On offense, he's also pretty good. He's a monstrous hero, so I'll want to get him into flanks, but he's got 9 Attacks, hitting on 3's with Pathfinder. All good. He's got CS1 and TC3 though... so I'll need to avoid prolonged combats with him; he's meant to hit had and fast and move on.

Additionally, he's got options for Wings and a Heal spell. I don't plan on taking either, but other plays may find them useful.


The Stampedes are similar on the offense. They've got 30 attacks on 4's, Pathfinder, and the same CS1 TC3. If they don't break something when they charge, they may be in trouble. Their Nerve is good at 18/20, but they've got a large footprint and only Defense 4+, so they may have a hard time sticking around any prolonged combats.

Oof. I need to invest in a better light. Apartment lighting just doesn't gut it anymore. Probably would have caved sooner if I hobbied more this year...
The models are a mix. GW Chaos Warhounds, Malifaux Wild Boars, and some boars from Reaper. I started on these ages ago; I had the bases pasted around this time last year... and then never found the will to finish them off. Typical hobbying tendencies I guess. I think they could use a few more models, probably small boars or something, to fill them out. We'll see what I find, but for now, these are done!

The whole dang gang. The box looks deep, but is only an inch or so higher than the highest fig. I've picked up a bunch os 28 Quart storage boxes over the years for army storage. 
I've still got a few troops of Longhorns to hobby on, and a final Beast Pack troop.. but I'll leave those be for now I think. We'll see what 3rd Edition bring for the Herd. This army is just over 3000 points now, plus everything fits in one container... so it's a good stopping point for now.

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