
Sunday, February 17, 2019

Hobby Update: Ogre Siege Breakers

Alas, I'm now officially through everything I had primed up for winter projects. Here are some Ogre Siege Breakers! 

The minis are GW Ogres, or whatever they are calling them these days. I had some Nurgle Chaos Ogres with great weapons sitting around, so my intent was to split up the old existing big weapons between the two units, and then have one unit mostly holding and the other unit mostly charging. It sort of works? The posing is a little awkward though. Down the road I may swap around the back rank, and really commit one to charging and another to holding. We'll see if any future players have any advice on organization..

I don't have any distinct iconography for the Ogres yet, so I decided to keep the bad Nurgle circles for now. The banner is prominent enough that I can paint over it later if I want to.
The Siege Breakers have distinctly huge weapons and big shields. The weapons are easily found or converted, but I couldn't find immediately any suitable "big shields," so I ended up with the lazy approach of using 32mm GW bases instead. Adding the greenstuff boss, they look a little like Viking round shields though, and they do cover the mostly rotund ogre bodies, so they work pretty well I think!

A more in-your-face shot with the other horde. I've always liked the musician for ogres, just shouting away...
Stat-wise, the ogres are beasts. A friend played Ogres in WHFB, but I have only ever played one KoW game against his models, so I didn't really appreciate how great the Ogres stats are until recently. Even their simple Warriors have Speed 6, hit on 3's, have CS1 and Defense 5+. That's a very nice place to start! Their only downside (for stats) is a lowish Nerve.

The Siege Breakers are only speed 5, presumably slowed slightly by their heavy gear. However, this isn't too bad, and they receive CS3 and the Big Shields special rule in return. The Crushing Strength lets them obliterate anything they come into contact with. Additionally, the Big Shield rule has any attacks coming at the unit from their front arc from 4+ Defense to 6+. This unit is particularly tough to take head-on, and is a really neat design feature. These ogres come prepared!

Army-wise, I still have two lingering ogre bodies in my bits box. But these dudes are meant to be allies, and hangers-on, rather than an army unto themselves, so I'm not sure what I want to do with these last two yet. We'll see...

And yeah, that unfortunately does it with everything I had primed up ready for winter projects. I hobbied too hard in December it seems! I've got some WIP stuff piling up though, and some new purchases have started arriving, so I should have some progress pics of all that soon!

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