
Sunday, June 24, 2018

Hobby Update: Varangur Fallen and Troll King

The Fallen were purchased a while back, and I have been hobbying on and off on them for probably about two months now. I'm calling them done.

The models are Praetorian Keltarii from Hordes. If I was buying new today.. the Immortals might be contenders for what models to use... but the Keltarii have a nice, lithe look to them, and should work very well to represent the unit.

I went with glaives over swords to represent the Crushing Strength of the unit. The arms were a little difficult to attach, but it worked out in the end. Technically, you could mix and match arms, but there really is one sculpt they were intended for. So customization via swapping is a little limited, but there are enough poses that you can pretty easily avoid having the models all looking the same.
They got the typical Varangur base of rocks and snow. I tried a duller, bronzy armor and a stony skin tone to try to convey their age and different background a bit.

I have yet to play with them, and haven't really followed community battle reports at all, so I don't have much to comment on. They look to have great stats, lots of special rules, and just be a solid pick overall. They are far more mobile than most of the other Varangur I have, so they should be making their way into lists the next time that army hits the table.

I also painted up a GW Exalted Deathbringer, to use as a Troll King. I've had this model since around when AoS launched. The local group was trying to figure out the game, and someone organized a 1-day event with 12-16 players. At the end of the day, I won this model for being the top scoring Chaos general... and he has sat unloved in a storage box ever since. In the spirit of putting old things to use, I decided to hobby on him too.

Could probably add some facial/tooth detail, but he's table-worthy.
He got the blue skin treatment, in keeping with the Varangur and Herd animal skin tones. He's an Ice Troll King, or something. In terms of wysiwyg.. he's not an ideal model. No "Big Shield" or anything signifying a breath attack... but he's all on his own, and doesn't appear anywhere else in the army, so hopefully there won't be too much confusion for my opponent.

Stat-wise, the King seems like a steal of a deal. Lots of great stats, a huge Crushing Strength score, and Inspiring to himself. Oddly enough, the Inspiring seems like the most potent to me. Typically I would want my inspiring sources near my other models, and my big expensive monsters supported by a source of inspiring. But the self-inspire here will let me run this guy solo, doing whatever needs to be done, instead of hanging around near my main battle lines. I think that gives him a ton of versatility, and I'd like to see what kind of shenanigans he could get into sometime!

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