
Monday, June 11, 2018

Hobby Update: 500 Pts Basileans

I've been experimenting with more traditional basing recently, techniques that use ballast and static grass to get a classic wargaming field look. As a "proof of concept," I did up this little band of Basileans from some old Empire models and Army Painter's Brown Battleground.

The group totals to an even 500 points. Two regiments of Penitents, a group of legendary Forlorn Guard, and one High Paladin to lead the way. 
The Basileans seem like angelic-themed fantasy Byzantines in the Mantic fluff, so while it’s now Istanbul and not Constantinople, I drew on my time in Turkey as an inspiration for the aesthetics. While not a Byzantine symbol, the nazarlık was all over modern Turkey, and was something I could easily freehand on the banner. A warding symbol seemed appropriate for the pious Basileans.

The “forlorn” is an interesting concept. With the Landsknecht-contribution to the concept, I figured some old Greatswords would be a good choice of models, and I repainted a group of them to have more blue colors, and I added some capes to give them a more unique look as well. Who doesn’t like billowing capes? I feel a little bad for including a legendary unit in such a lowly band, but whatever. I think it works well thematically. In my headcannon, this group is out seeking redemption through combat; putting themselves in harm’s way as some form of penance.

As a group of allies, or as a small contingent in a bigger game, I think these will work out well. They better! Any expansion of the army would require a bunch of purchases, which I don't want to make right now. I'm still not getting games in, and still have a ton of plastic to work on, so new purchases are still a ways off for me.

So, no more Basileans for now, but much more coming in the near future. I'm moving in a few months, so I'm trying really hard to finish up a lot of hobby projects!

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