
Thursday, May 10, 2018

Hobby Update: More Varangur Heroes

With the Abyssals at 3k, I decided to bounce over to some other projects. A big update to the Herd is coming soon, but first, I took an evening to finish off a few models for the Varangur that had been lurking on my hobby table for a while.

The Magus on the left was a quick conversion I did for a big WHFB game; a special sorcerer known as the Magister had captured Teclis. He may get more touchups down the line, but rebasing is just fine for now.

The Mounted Skaald (my third) was leftover from my Horse Raiders unit. I mulled over buying another box to make more units, but ultimately just decided to run him as another mounted Skaald and save some money. I have a bunch of faster Sounted Sons and such, so hopefully 3 Skaalds are enough to Inspire everyone.

The Mounted Magus is an old Chaos Sorcerer, with a new paint job. I am kind of interested to see this model in action. I think the extra mobility will make him much more interesting to use.

The last Skaald (my third) is an old Reaper Mini. I liked the pose, thinking that he could easily be tossing that ax at someone. Nothing too special here; just another cheap Skaald to inspire everyone.

Pretty basic characters. I have made ton of progress on the Varangur in the last year, but still a handful of units left to paint up. I think some Fallen should be up soon. Next up though, is a bunch of Lycans for the Herd. They should be finished soon.

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