
Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Hobby WIP: Evil Triumvirate

I've been on a bit of a hiatus. The end of 2017 saw the Halflings hit 2000 points. With winter in full swing, and nothing primed, I was hoping to transition more to gaming for Kings of War. That hasn't happened. I have half a dozen locals express interest, but apparently not enough to get things going. So life continued, and I occupied myself with other things.

The "spring" weather has been wild in Wisconsin, but I was lucky enough to have a decently warm day about a week ago, and I was able to prime some things. Hobbying for 2018 begins!

I've stated here before that I want to have a kind of "Evil Triumvirate" thing going with some of these evil army collections of mine, and incorporate some light faction calculus for flavor. The Varangur would be the elite powerhouse; the Herd the speedy glass-cannon swarm; and the Abyssals the more varied and balanced force.

Getting this triumvirate up and running is my hobby goal at the moment.

The Varangur

The Varangur are "there" already, with over 5,000 points of stuff painted up last year. Around 2000 more points of old Warriors of Chaos stuff is still sitting around, ready to be hobbied on as desired. I hope to get hobbing on some Fallen soon, but with so much else finished, there's no rush. Up now are just a few characters for the Varangur.

Three half-done amigos.
Nothing too special about this trio. The Skaald will be a cheap source of Inspiring (the big baddies lose a bit of their intimidation factor when they rout easily), and the Magi, particularly the mounted one, will give a little ranged damage to the collection, and versatility to smaller lists.

The Herd

The Herd got their start in 2017. They are quite short on their unlocks though, and despite having around 1000 points painted up for them, fielding an effective list is difficult at the moment, and they max out around 750 usable points.

It's not a blog post without a blurry pic! Clearly my dusty monitor stand was more important than the models...
Up right now is another Centaur Chieftain, and on deck is a monster repaint, which will probably end up as a Brutox. These... don't help my situation any, but it is a nice way to reacquaint myself with the colors I was using. Up soon are a bunch of Lycan units, which should solve my unlock problem.

The Abyssals

The Abyssals will need the most work in 2018. Since I haven't gotten any games in recently, I'm hesitant to really buy anything new right now, so I'm trying to work with what I have for the immediate future.

For units, I have a horde of Mantic Lower Abyssals purchased, and some GW Bloodletters and Daemonettes that I can repaint for Kings of War. Resale seems like a waste of time, and I think I can turn them into decent Abyssal Guards and Succubi units.

Lots of work to be done on the Abyssals....
I'm still noodling out model counts and unit sizes. For characters, I have a flying Archfiend, a walking Archfiend, 2 Efreets, a Champion and a Temptress... that's around 1000 points in heroes, so I think I should be set for my character needs for quite some time! The plan is to hobby these characters up soon, and settle on a color scheme before starting in earnest on the units.

More to come soon!

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