
Monday, April 23, 2018

Hobby Update: Winged Archfiend and Abyssal Guard

I got a lot of unexpected hobbying in recently, and made some more progress on my Abyssals. Up right now is the winged Archfiend and a bunch of Abyssal Guard!

Big bad Archfiend in a big bad pose.
The archfiend is from Hordes, and was previously my old Khorne Daemon Prince. A little more pink and some miscellaneous touchups here and there, and he's ready to hit the table for Kings of War! I haven't delved too deep into Abyssals tactics, but most of the lists I've seen run a winged fiend. It costs a lot, but the mobility, durability and potency it offers all add up to a solid inclusion in most lists. On paper, it seems like a very versatile threat, and can even pick up Lightning Bolt, if you want to get some magical pot-shots in while toying with charge distances and such.

Also ready for the table, are some converted GW Bloodletters, to be run as Abyssal Guard. I wanted to run them as multiple regiments, but they ended up as troops. I forgot how much I hated trying to rank these guys up until I tried to glue down and plan the units. Those swords are just ludicrous!

Look at that. Swords so big and unreasonably posed they can't even fit in an overhead shot.
Originally, they had pauldrons and green stuff kilts/cloaks, and were a "counts-as" unit of Khorne Chosen. My greenstuff work was even more atrocious back then, so I ended up stripping all the paint, removing the greenstuff and rebuilding the unit to get a largely "as you see on the box" look.

On paper, the look like they will function similar to my Kingdoms of Men Foot Guard... but better, due to these Abyssals having Fury and Regen. I think the troops here would prove surprisingly troublesome for an opponent, as they need to commit to taking them out, otherwise they'll either charge back or regenerate. Very cool.

That's it for now. The army is still lacking unlocks, but some Abyssal Flamebearers are up next. I'll get a legal list eventually.

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