
Sunday, August 20, 2017

Hobby Update: More Varangur

I did some more re-painting and repurposing of some Varangur recently, finishing up a few more infantry units. Here they are!

Some of the gang, before the repaints.
These dudes started out as a small unit of Chosen with hand weapons, then expanded to include some command models, and then expanded even further with some halberd-toting models for a mega-battle for an End Times game of Warhammer Fantasy. Originally, I intended to keep them all in one unit, but later decided on a troop of Sons and a regiment of Bloodsworn. With the units finished, I think that was the right call. They look more uniform separated.

The Regiment of Bloodsworn, looking fancy with a bunch of gold blades.
I want to run these regiments 11-strong, so I needed to paint up a few more warriors to get there. Fortunately, I still have an existing reserve of sprue-bound Chaos Warriors from which to pull from. These didn't need much touching up, so were ready pretty quickly.

The Troop of Sons, looking equally fancy.
These were also ready quickly. I had 8 halberd-wielding models, and I needed 8, so these were basically popped off one base and glued down to another. Nice and easy..

While I was putting these two units on the shelf, I noticed an old grouping of models from a few years ago. When Age of Sigmar launched, I tried to get into it, and painted up a small force. They haven't seen much use. So, I popped them off their old (round) bases, painted up an 11th mini, and glued them onto a new base.

Former Tzeentch warriors... now Bloodsworn Varangur conscripts.
Not much to say about the units themselves. I think the Bloodsworn overall will prove to be good grinding units, particularly against other infantry. These two regiments are unique-looking enough to justify a gift or artifact when they hit the table. The Sons are also pretty sturdy soldiers (good nerve; good defense), but the goal with this troop here (as it is still a troop) would be to keep them protected until a target presents itself.

The Varangur army continues to grow! Up next for them is a bunch of reformed Khorne Warriors, which will be hitting the table as a Horde of Bloodsworn. Those will be my final group of Bloodsworn; all my remaining warriors (about 3 regiment's worth of models) will end up as Sons of Korgaan infantry... eventually. Before I go there though, I'll be hobbying on some Kingdom of Men things. New knight models are on-deck for the Regnum, and that post should be up soon!

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