
Sunday, April 3, 2016

Hobby Update! The Whole Darn Army!

After finishing off my old halberdiers the yesterday, I realized (with a little bit of surprise) that all my transition projects were done. While I do still have some Empire models sitting around, everything that I was looking to appropriate from my old GW Empire had been repainted and rebased over the last few months.

My bizarro approach to basing unfortunately makes taking an inventory rather difficult. For this little overview, I'm going to ignore the spare bannermen I have sitting around, and treat the units at the sizes I think I'll want to run them. That means, that since (roughly) January, I've churned out the following units:

2 Regiments of Knights
2 Regiments of Shield Wall
1 Regiment of Pikemen
1 Regiment of Pole-Arms
1 Regiment of Foot Guard (sword & board)

6 Troops of Foot Guard (two-handers)
4 Troops of Pole-Arms
4 Troops of Bowmen
3 Troops of Crossbows
3 Troops of Arquebusiers
2 Troops of Scouts with Pistols
2 Troops of Scouts with Carbines

Ta-da! For those keeping score, this is just over 275 models, weighing in a just over 3000 points.
Granted, these have predominately been repaints, so I've been mostly working with existing models and not starting from sprue... but even so, and factoring in my minimalist painting approach, that was a lot of new paint, I'm a bit taken aback by how much "table-worthy" stuff I have now. I'm going to have a hard time deciding what to take to my next game!


  1. Looking good! It is always better to have a finished army than unfinished one. And with such choice you can, if you like, spend more time on fancy miniatures to create a center piece of the army.

    But really well done on accomplishing the task!

    1. Thanks! Most of these models have languished half-finished for a few years (I got distracted by Warriors of Chaos), so it’s really nice to get them done.

      I’m kicking around a few ideas for larger models (nothing truly centerpiece-worthy, but they could be smaller “focal points” for the aesthetic of my army)… however the two main models I have in the pipeline also have a lot of hurdles to overcome. I’ll be working on those, slowly, in the weeks ahead.

      In the meantime, I dove into some new units last night. I’m hoping for a game next week, so my goal is to finish them all up in time to get them on the table to test… we’ll see what I can get done. That's a tall order. I should have an update (either WIP or finished pics) up later this week.
