
Sunday, February 14, 2016

Army Update

With a stack of new plastic vying for my attention, I decided to sit down this weekend and try to figure out just how much transition work I still needed to do on my old Empire units, excluding characters and war machines. The units are the big time sinks for this army, and I want to get the transition work done or mostly done before moving on to my shiny new projects… because if I know don’t do it now they’ll languish unfinished for who knows how long. I have over 1000 points of new stuff here already… with about another… 400+ points of Roman infantry minis still to order…

Anyways, in the “ready” category, here is an army shot. A few units need a spare model to truly complete them… but I’m counting them as done. They’re close enough.

Sorry for the poor quality... I'll do a better photo shoot soon. That's 2 Regiments of Knights, 2 Regiments of Shield Wall, 1 Regiment of Pikes, 3 Troops of Pole Arms, 2 Troops of Mounted Scouts with Carbines, 3 Troops of Arquebusiers. Four Troops of Bowmen aren't pictured. That’s 1765 points in units, plus an addition 120 for the two Ballistae shown here. Huzzah!

Not the best photo I ever took. Lots of wasted space. 
In the “in progress” category, meaning stuff just needs rebasing and paint touchups, I have 4 Troops of Foot Guard with two-handed weapons, which once multi-based with my weird scheme will be 5 Troops, 1 Regiment of Pole Arms, 2 Troops of Mounted Scouts w/ Pistols, and 2 Troops of Crossbowmen. That’ll be 945 points.

In the “ugh” category, meaning I still have lots of things to prime, paint or glue together, I have 1 Regiment of Pikes, 1 final Troop of Foot Guard, 1 Troop of Pole Arms... and one Regiment of medieval-style Foot Guard. That's another 435 Points by my count.

Looking at the army... I'm surprised at how many points I have already... though I think my numbers are inflated a bit, given how many Troops I have. I couldn't run this as a legal army.

This weekend was pretty chill on the hobby front. I did find a handful of old State Shooters hiding in a box, which was a nice surprise. I did them up as a third Arquebusier Troop.
Still needs some shading/wash work, but not bad for a few hours work.
So…. Lots of rebasing to do still. The "in progress" stuff should go quickly, but I'm running low on larger bases, and will need to order more before I can do up the old Greatswords. This week I hope to finish off the two Troops of Crossbowmen and the two Troops of Mounted Scouts with pistols. Should be an easy enough goal to reach.

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