
Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Welcome to Regnum Aeternum!

Since this is the very first post in this blog, I feel I need to say a little about myself, and what I want to do here. I’ll try to be brief, and to spice these posts up with pictures so you don’t lose interest!

I started hobbying (the process of painting up and gaming with, little dudes) around 2012. A good friend had been pestering me and a few other guys to play something called Warhammer Fantasy Battles, and after about a year of resisting temptation, I finally relented.

After some deliberation, I decided my first army would be Empire, and after some more deliberation, I decided they would hail from the beleaguered rural province of Ostermark, almost constantly beset by the wet undead led by the Vampire Counts and the mighty Warriors of Chaos. Gotta love the underdogs, right?

An old army shot, taken very early 2013. Early stuff looked like I was hobbying with paint-filled water balloons instead of brushes. I've gotten better, I swear.

Nowadays, I'm busy adulting, but hobby-wise, I am in the process of (among many things) expanding and refitting up old Ostermark army for use as a Kingdoms of Men army for Kings of War, a system which has really grabbed me. It has a lot going for it right now, and has a ton of potential for growth. 

This little blog will be the digital home for my new and improved army, now called the Regnum Aeternum. This blog will showcase some pics of my progress, expand on some of my thoughts related to the game and the army, and will include battle reports and analysis as I get games in. 

So, cheers, and welcome to Regnum Aeternum.

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