
Thursday, January 14, 2016

Transitioning into KoW

This army started out as an Empire Army for Warhammer Fantasy Battles. It used primarily GW models… and these will form the core of my army to start with (as I already have them), but I will be adding cool units from other companies soon (some have already shipped!). Until I receive those though, I will be transitioning my current force into Kings of War.

Technically, I don’t actually need to do any transition work. One of the cool things about KoW for a WHFB refugee is that you can still keep everything modeled as-it-was. So long as your unit has the correct footprint for its size, you are good to go. So, I don’t need to multi-base any of my old models, or do anything extra at all. So why would I bother?

A pile of very needless hobby work to get to.. 

Well, pride, mixed with a pinch of guilt. I was spoiled when I started the hobby. I started Warhammer with a good group of friends, and we did a lot of stuff together, including painting. But I was more interested in playing, and very much gave lip service to the painting in the beginning.

The longer I've been in the hobby though, I've reached an understanding that much of the hobby is solitary for most people. Most of your brush strokes are by yourself (or at least, without other hobbyists around to encourage you), and many folks might not have a FLGS to go to, or get games in regularly. So, a while back I decided to try to always show up with a decently painted army out of respect for my opponent, because everyone likes a game with painted models.

So, uh... stepping off the tiny soapbox that appeared out of nowhere… pride is a motivating force for putting in the extra work as I transition systems. Each and every model will be touched up and the painting cleaned up a bit as I transition over each unit. Pics will follow as each unit transitions.

Despite the last few paragraphs, I must insist that I am not a great hobbyist. My stuff is decent, but there is far, far better stuff out there. One of the goals of this blog, aside from chronicling my army, is to highlight some simple and time-effective hobby techniques so newer hobbyists can get up and running quicker. Being a more efficient hobbyist, if that makes any sense.

More posts and many more pictures to come in the next few days as I detail some of my units transitioning into Kings of War!

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