
Sunday, January 24, 2016

Hobby Update! (Ballista and) Pikemen!

A week ago, my hobby goal for this week was to finish up my Regiments of Knights. It seemed simple enough, as I had only a few shields to finish painting and attach, and then some basing work. But, what didn't happen. Instead I dove headlong into other things...

Looking pretty good. Although I appear to be out of ammunition. Maybe that's why I missed all my ballista shots last game?

I think I will do a dedicated post on these sometime soon, so I'll keep it brief for now. Besides, they were also mostly ready already; all I did this week was add the base edge color. The sand looks less white and the edge looks less mustardy in person..

What took up most of my hobby time this week was some conversion work.

I wanted to get some Pikemen into my collection. I hadn't found any models that I liked and could afford, so I used what I had on hand, which was:

  • Empire State Trooper bodies, as is.
  • State Trooper Arms, with Tomb King spear shafts attached to the end, since I felt Pikes needed more reach than the Empire spear bits.
  • Knightly Order heads, with the ornamentations cut off and fixed with greenstuff. I liked the braided cloth parts on the heads, and have been wanting to get them onto some models for a while.

The TK spear shafts are a little larger in diameter than the Empire spear shafts.. but I don't think it's too terribly noticeable on the table. I was worried that the almost comically large sharp bits would look goofy, but it gives them a nice presence as a unit.

Look at all those pointy bits.
As you can see, I continued on with my wonky multibasing approach. It's not as big a hypothetical deal with this unit, as they can only be taken in Regiment and Horde levels. Even with all the pointy bits, they rank up pretty well.

Their right side, front and back ranks.
Their left side, back and front ranks.
Not sure when I'll get my next game in, but I have a new MSU list with these guys all set up and ready to try out, and will start pestering my regular opponents soon.

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