
Wednesday, October 30, 2019

3rd Edition Hype

Whoops. I need to check my mail more frequently... apparently the wonderful 3rd Edition Rulebook has been sitting there for a few days!

I was hoping to get in a few "final" 2nd Ed games... at the very least one last KoM vs Undead with some of my Giants... but I have been unable to coax my girlfriend into a pity game sofar... and it appears that I have now run out of time! 

The book looks amazing. The production value has soared just from second edition, and I gotta say that the art is on point. There's a nice and engaging variety of art, from sketches to portraits to battles and landscapes, and they all look great. They really did a nice job.

That said, the book is hefty! I'm definitely going to need to pick up a copy of the slimmer "Gamer" rulebook, should they release one. The rules looks to comprise only the first 60-70ish pages, and the rest of this nearly 400 page beast is background fluff.

I was surprised to see a Kingdom of Men entry in the book - I had resigned myself to playing something else (if/when I got a game in before December, or whenever they are releasing the supplemental book). It's only a fluff entry, so I will still need to pick up another army to play in the meantime, but wow. Very cool. The vestigial Regnum may end up actually grounded somewhere on all these detailed maps... more reading is required!

I don't have nearly enough game experience to really comment with any authority on any of the rules changes I've seen so far. So uh.. I won't! Many other blogs and posts have no doubt delved into this with better far insight than I could offer.

I think the coming days will be spent reading, and slowly I'll get into some army-specific thoughts regarding my collection, and what I want to do painting/hobbying coming up. ...and if I manage to get any battles in, I'll dutifully report them! Cheers.