
Sunday, July 8, 2018

Hobby Update: Zombies and Kings

I picked up a horde of Mantic Zombies... probably 2 years ago? Maybe more? They were assembled... maybe 18 months ago? Painted up by my girlfriend around last September, and based over the last week or so. They've been "in process" for quite some time!

The models are actually a combination of Mantic Zombies and Ghouls, all run as zombies to get more model variation within the units. To further mix things up, I tried a bunch of head-swaps and torso-swaps. The head-swaps turned out fine, but I can't really recommend torso-swapping. The models are built differently, and don't fit together easily. It turns out ok, but it's more of a testament to the glue than anything else.

Legion #1, in motion. The models are pretty dynamic.
It turns out these bases are generally more "rocky" than most of my other finished Undead units. Oh well. As a result of that, I think I may need to add some tufts of grass as a finishing touch down the line, but these are done for now. They may also get some added rat models at some point as part of the upgrade option for the unit, but after forgetting to add them over the course of four days... I decided to run these without for the time being.

Legion #2. All packed away now, and the only non-blurry picture was when I was experimenting with the flash. Sorry.

The second legion makes use of a casualty model from Conquest Game's Norman Knights kit. The duo has been felled by the throng; the horse eviscerated and the knight decapitated. Looking good! The blood and the mud both have a nice shiny effect that works out.

The puddles on the basing of the legions actually allow for multiple configurations (2x Legion, 3x Horde or a ridiculous amount of Zombie Regiments). Given the cheap cost and huge nerve, Hordes seem like a great size, but we'll see what the future brings.

Spooky! With bronzy armor and purple robes. Wonderful for evil lich guys in D&D, or for commanders of this army.
The last things I had in process on the hobby table were two Revenant Kings, both from Reaper Mini. The Dust King model (on the right) is particularly cool looking. Easy to paint, with a nice-looking and arrogant pose.

The kings will provide nice support for the army, and the zombies will be great anvils for all the Wight and Wraith and Vampire hammers I have already. The army sits at over 3500 points right now, and is mostly complete. Still to come are some more skeleton infantry, and a vampire on a dragon conversion. Those last units should get me past 4000 points, which is way more than I thought I'd ever have of Undead. Future purchases may include Revenant infantry and cavalry,

With all these models finished up.. my hobby table is currently devoid of current projects. That's a little odd for me, but this is not necessarily a bad thing right now. I move (locally, thankfully) come August, and it's probably time to start organizing a bit for that. We'll see how packing goes, but if I have time, I'll try to keep a few posts coming with a few army shots or something.